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All true statements, but I still look mainly at Harry, who is nodding, to try and avoid Hermione's usual secret detector. Between Hermione and Daphne, how am I supposed to make it through the year without spilling everything? I realize I have to distract them both.

"Hermione, do you remember the book I got from Daphne? That thing is ancient, and Daphne's note said it came from her father's rare collection. I was hoping to get access to the Greengrass family library to aid in our research into Horcruxes, and I've dropped a hint to that effect already.”

“I figured we have a better chance of finding information with access to libraries of two ancient families – the Blacks and the Greengrasses – instead of one. And don't forget, Sirius is on the run and he's gone hunting, so I don't know when or even if we'll get access to his."

Hermione's eyes widen at the mention of a library with ancient, rare books, so I go for the finishing blow.

"I'm shooting for Easter break, Hermione. Between Daphne and Astoria I'm pretty sure I can get myself invited, and Lord Greengrass might be interested in meeting the future Lord Potter. But it would be better for everybody if you were there, too."

Harry flinches when I call him the future Lord Potter, but Hermione's eyes glaze over, so I know I've got her. I know I've dodged the bullet.

For now.


When there wasn't much of a backlash after the Daily Prophet article beside the tension within our group, things settled down quite nicely. 

Less than a week later we had taken to spending our remaining free days in the Great Hall or walking around bundled up outside. 

To her sister's chagrin, Astoria spends quite a bit of time with us since almost none of her fellow Second Years were invited to the Yule Ball and therefore went home for the break. 

Hermione spends an inordinate amount of time either speaking quietly with Daphne or laughing with Astoria; perhaps she is determined to become good friends to make it more natural for them to invite her along as well.

Neville and Luna join us all the time. Ron is still too uncomfortable to spend much time around the Slytherins, but he rarely passes up the chance for wizard's chess in the Great Hall. 

Surprisingly, Viktor Krum spots our group on a leisurely walk around the castle and jogs over to join us to get away from the giggling girls who follow him around to his workouts and to speak with Daphne. 

He looks surprised when Hermione corrects his pronunciation, but then quickly hits it off with her when he finds she is happy to work with the international Quidditch star on his English.

Unsurprisingly, Harry does not seem too pleased about this development in its third day running. I am, of course, perfectly fine with it.

"I can see that this bothers you," Astoria says, sidling up and peering up at me with her curious, violet eyes. "I thought you liked my sister?"

I give her a small, forced smile at her calling me out. "I like both of them."

She frowns. "Well that's not fair, you can't have both. You have to pick one."

Ah, here's the talk I was expecting a few days ago. I shake my head and give a brief chuckle. "If only I were that lucky. Unfortunately, I don't get to pick either. Remember what your dad told you about me?"

This drops her gaze. "I forgot."

"It's okay," I say with a shrug. "But who says I would pick one of those two if I could? I like all of the girls here. Maybe I would pick you."

She looks surprised. "But...you're older." I bark out an unexpected laugh, causing her to blush. "I didn't mean for that to be funny," she mutters.

"Sorry, bit of an inside joke," I say. "I seem old now, but soon that won't make a big difference. Just look at Viktor, he's a Seventh Year, so Daphne and Hermione are three years below him."

"I know, I know. My mom is nine years younger than my dad. I was just...you just seem like you'd want to pick somebody older...ugh, never mind."

I put my arm around her and squeeze her into my side – just like I do with Luna – and smile encouragingly at her frustration. 

"Well you're missing one thing: you girls are the ones who have to pick. Although, if I'm still around, I will have to make sure the boy is good enough for you." I take my arm back and punch my fist menacingly.

"Oh great, the older brother I never wanted," she says flatly, rolling her eyes but smiling.

"Meanie," I say, my lip jutting out as far as it'll go.

She barks out a laugh. "I can't believe you just called me that."

I laugh along with her. "Well see, I'm way cooler than an older brother because we skipped all the torture I would have inflicted upon you growing up."

"No, you'd have been the Greengrass heir," she points out.

"Oh yeah, I'd be more like this: 'Astoria, stop being happy. You must be annoyed at everyone and glare at them all the time like me and your sister.'" I talk in my deep, aristocratic voice.

She laughs loudly at that, then tries but fails to school her face into her sister's cold expression. "Yes, brother."

"'Also, your pinky is not high enough in the air when you drink your tea. You embarrass me.'"

Astoria breaks into giggles again.

"What are you doing, William?" Hermione asks, looking over from her discussion with Viktor.

"'I am chiding young Astoria for behavior ill-befitting a scion of the Greengrass family.'" I say in my most pompous voice.

"Oh no, not this again," she says, holding a hand to her forehead as she shakes it, drawing laughs from Harry, Neville, and Luna. The three Slytherins look on in confusion.

"Again?" Astoria asks.


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