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"If something can be achieved easily, it probably isn't worth it." Walter replied, smirking. Alucard smirked in return, as the door opened. Integra stood in the doorway.

"Good evening." she greeted the five individuals in the room. "Has Walter explained the situation?"

Alucard, Rex, Tobio and Lavinia all nodded.

"Then my orders are simple." Integra stated. "Search and Destroy. Now, go."

Alucard took off his hat, and swept into a deep bow.

"Whatever you wish... my Master." he replied.


The next afternoon, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Rex, Tobio, Lavinia Alucard and Pip were checking into a large hotel, the Belmond Copacabana Palace, a five-star luxury hotel, to be exact.

"Alright, Mr. Ikuse," the man at the desk said. "I have the keys for you, Mr. Gremory and Ms. Reni's suite right here."

"Thanks." Tobio replied, taking the three room keycards and walking back to Rex and Lavinia, who were both chatting to each other and wearing casual clothing with Lavinia having done away with her Magician's hood. "Come on." he said, handing one keycard to Rex and Lavinia each. "Ours is Room 42."

"The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything." Rex and Lavinia spoke in unison, as they followed Tobio up to their rooms, leaving Alucard and Pip to deal with some issues that they were having with bringing a huge coffin which contained Seras Victoria into the hotel.

When they reached Room 42, the three beings entered the room, and took it in.

It was a large suite, though not as large as the penthouse suite that Alucard had apparently had booked for him. It had three large beds in the room, all of which were overlooking a large, seventy-inch plasma-screen TV.

"I love this room." Rex immediately stated, eyes on the TV. "I call the bed on the right." he stated, pointing at the bed he wanted.

"I call this one." Lavinia pointed for the bed in the middle.

"I guess I'll have the one on the left, then." Tobio replied. "Even if they're all the same."

"Yeah, they are." Lavinia shrugged, turning around. "I think I'll go check out what this place has to offer." And with that, she walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her and leaving Rex and Tobio alone. After a second, Rex turned to Tobio, looking at the TV.

"Wanna watch something?"

"Sure." Tobio replied, grabbing a TV remote and turning the TV on. "There's gotta be something good on here."

It turned out that there was something good on it. After a few minutes of searching, Tobio had managed to find a re-run of Adventure Time, and he and Rex decided to watch that, while lying on their respective beds.

While they watched the episode, Tobio turned to Rex, after about five minutes of silence, spoke.

"Rex? Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure." Rex replied, turning his head to Tobio. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Lavinia." Tobio replied. "We've been talking to each other, and I've managed to get it out of her that... Lavinia has a crush on you, Rex."

"Oh, really?" Rex raised an eyebrow. "What kind of crush? The Attractive Stranger, the Forbidden Love, the Actual Interest, the I've Known You Forever, or the Fairytale?"

Tobio chuckled momentarily before replying.

"If I had to guess, I'd say it's a mix between doors three and four." he replied. "Lavinia has known you for a long time. For four years, in fact. It's a long time by human standards." he added, after Rex gave a slight scoff. "But still, she's told me that she does have an interest in you."

"I see." Rex replied.

"However." Tobio replied. "Despite being as kind, older-sisterly and kinda childlike as she is, she's also scared that you won't take notice of her, given the fact that-"

"She's a Human." Rex replied. "Yeah. Well, I don't care that she's Human. I care about the fact that she's nice to everyone she meets... and the fact that she has a really nice body."

Tobio laughed.

"Yeah, she does," he replied. "Even if Sae is my girlfriend, I can still appreciate that Lavinia has a very nice body. I mean she used to sneak into my room and sleep next to me, wearing nothing but a party-open shirt, when I was younger, for Inugami's sake."

"I can relate." Rex replied. "Except Serafall was naked."

"Yeah, you told me." Tobio replied. "Anyway, Rex. Lavinia's my friend, and I'd be a terrible friend to her if I didn't want her to be happy. So I'm just asking that you at least give her a chance."

"Oh, sure." Rex replied, smiling slightly. "In fact, Tobio, Lavinia's actually a possible candidate for my peerage. Both for the fact that she's beautiful, yeah, but also for the fact that she's a damn powerful woman. Absolute Demise is nothing to sneeze at."

"Oh, really?" Tobio asked, blinking. "Well, that's fair enough. If she wants to join your Peerage, I don't have a problem with it- hey, did you just hear something?"

"Yeah." Rex replied, looking towards the window. "Seems to be coming from outside."

Tobio looked towards the window as well, and his eyes widened at the sight of a helicopter flying on the same level as the window of the room that he and Rex were in.

Both Rex and Tobio whipped their heads towards the door as a loud noise, that sounded explicably like a foot kicking the sturdy door which was locked, sounded.

Tobio instinctively dived to the side as the sound sounded again, and this time, the door burst open, and a hail of bullets came through the doorway, utterly wrecking anything that was in their line of fire. Including the TV, that showed Jake the Dog hysterically laughing his ass off.

About thirty men, dressed from head to toe in SWAT-gear, entered the room, all of whom wielding guns that Rex recognised as Beretta M12's, and all of which were pointed at him.


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