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"Not every Slytherin is like that!"

I snort. "No, certainly not every Slytherin is smart enough to pull that off, but you are. Wouldn't it be awfully foolish of me to not consider an angle like that? So you see my dilemma. I want your input, Daphne. Harry's idea of a good plan is if everybody is safe but him.”

“Hermione's is if everybody's safe, no compromises. Maybe your cunning will be enough to work a better plan, but if not...I need somebody who's capable of looking at our options with objectivity.”

“But first I need to make sure that an objective observer doesn't decide that the best plan for her is to betray my secrets. Not that I think that's what you'd do! But it's like I said: I need cold, hard logic, not hunches based on gut feelings or just hope."

She was going to protest when I said 'betray my secrets' but I cut her off when I plowed ahead, and now I see her considering her response. "You know my family is not like the Malfoys, who marry only for status. Do you know why? It's because my father places a high value on happiness. You saw how I almost snapped when you implied I might betray you. A Greengrass would not betray someone lightly, and I've already said I would help you."

I look into her ice-blue eyes, once again wishing I knew whatever trick she uses to detect truthfulness. "But what am I to you? Would it even affect your happiness if I wasn't around anymore?"

"If it were a direct result of my actions, it would affect me very much," she says.

"So if it wasn't a direct result..." I trail off, letting her complete the thought.

Her eyes remain on mine for a moment, then fall away. "...I would still be unhappy."

We remain silent for several moments. "If that's the case you have an unusual way of showing it," I say softly.

"I still have trouble believing it myself," she says. "Sometimes you can be more infuriating than every other boy combined, and other times..."

I smile when she trails off. "Maybe I'm purposely infuriating sometimes to trick you into liking me the rest of the time."

She snorts. "I wouldn't be surprised."

"So my trick worked," I say triumpantly, "I told you often enough that you like me, and now you finally believe it."

"You did nothing of the sort, don't flatter yourself."

"Flattery is my specialty, beautiful lady."

"If that's the case I am not impressed."

I raise an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?"

She snorts again. "You really do have the infuriating part down."

"It wouldn't be so effective otherwise," I say with a laugh. "Hermione doesn't call me the Moment Ruiner for nothing."

She laughs her real laugh this time at that. "That's a perfect description of you." She glances over my shoulders. "Speaking of Hermione, you should go dance with her. She doesn't look terribly happy with you." She notices my frown. "What's the deal between you two? Or the three of you?"

I sigh. "Just like I told your father. I love her but I can't be with her. Harry loves her but he doesn't think he can be with her either. She loves both of us."

"Sounds like at least two of you are being stupid," she says wryly.

I nod. "I'm stupid because I can't push her away. Harry's stupid because we're going to get him through this. Hermione...is an unfortunate victim of our stupidity. I would say she's stupid for not keeping her distance from me, but I can't give her the real reason why she should."

"Sounds like you're being extra stupid, then," she amends.

"No, I mean, I know why I can't be with her," I clarify, "but I can't tell her the whole story."

"Your secrets again?"

I nod sadly. "It's bad, Daphne. Really bad. I just...can't."

"If you're using me to push her away," she says slowly, "it might just be working."

My face heats in embarrassment. "Sorry. I don't mean to use you-"

"I am in Slytherin," she says with a shrug. "If you can use someone without hurting them..." She trails off to let me finish the thought myself.

I sigh. "I admit I considered it, but it would hurt me too much to push her away completely, and I need her."

"You are a strange man, William," she says, shaking her head. "Go, then. I will see how well Harry dances."

I look up at her hopefully. "How did I do?"

She looks back at me over her shoulder with a thoughtful expression. "You may dance with me tonight."

I shoot her one last small smile before walking over to Hermione and asking for the next dance.

She watches me with narrowed eyes. "You two looked cozy."

"I told her your nickname for me, the Moment Ruiner," I say with a half smile. "She sends her compliments."

Her eyes widen, and her lips press together to suppress her growing smile.

"After that she asked about us, and I told her about how I love you," I say. "She thinks I'm stupid for trying to push you away."

She lays her head against my chest. "She said that?"

"Yeah, but then she doesn't know the story about how I got here," I point out.

I feel as much as hear her heavy sigh. "Are you going to tell her?"

"Probably not."

She takes a deep breath. "What if she decides she wants you for herself?"

I shake my head. "She did admit she likes me, but I don't think she means it that way. Or at least, definitely not the way I feel about you. If I can't be with you, then I can't be with her either."

I can practically feel her frown against my chest. "Even so, I have to admit I got jealous seeing you happy with her like that."


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