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Thanks to unlocking the ability to use Touki, the ability to control the base of their life, during his training, Sairaorg's strength, speed and defence could increase even further, placing him in the same leagues as Satan-Class Devils. 

In fact, Sairaorg had famously duelled with Serafall Leviathan herself, and fought her to a draw: testament to his strength.

And that wasn't to mention his peerage, all of whom with the exception of his Pawn, who Sairaorg refused to disclose the identity of came from the 72 Pillars with the exception of his Queen, who came from the Abaddon Clan, and believed wholeheartedly in their King's strength and their own, making them an incredible fighting unit.

Imogen Belial, a formerly half-human half-Devil, had also trained herself, both in physical training, the ability of her Clan, Worthlessness, and in her seven Sacred Gears Absorption Line, Blaze Black Flare, Shadow Prison, Delete Field, Shakti Bura, Doloris Vim and Calling of the Defeated, all of which, when put together, contained the consciousness of the Evil Black Prison Dragon King Vritra who, upon regaining consciousness, had performed a ritual to turn Imogen from half-Human to half-Dragon, a Dragon known for his incredible diversity in techniques.

With Imogen being the first being in history to bring all seven Gears triggering the evolution of the Gear into the 14th Longinus-Class Sacred Gear, and the second-strongest in existence together, she had access to all these techniques. 

With these techniques, her physical prowess, and Belial blood giving her the ability to use Worthlessness, Imogen was as technically strong as Sairaorg was physically strong.

Imogen was commonly considered the strongest of the two, as though she had not officially bested Sairaorg in a Rating Game, she had, like her rival, partaken in a duel against Serafall Leviathan... and beaten her.

Imogen's peerage was also no slouch in battle. Featuring the daughter of famous Magician Cornelia Alberona, a half-Phenex, two products of the largely-unknown and mostly-failed Undertale Project and the granddaughter of Crom Cruach, the strongest Evil Dragon in existence, all of which and the rest of Rex' peerage having been VERY well-trained to fight...

One could say that Imogen's peerage was a lot of things, but boring was not one of them. No, sir/madam/gender-fluid retard, no you could not.

Surpassing Imogen or Sairaorg individually in a Rating Game was one thing, but to challenge BOTH of them? At the same time? With such assurance that you would win?

"R-Rex?" Rias asked. "You okay? It's just-"

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Sairarog and Imogen both laughed uproariously, drawing the attention of many of the party-goers. "HAHAHA..."

Sairaorg was the first to recover from his laugh, as Imogen's laugh settled down to a giggle.

"I like that confidence of yours, Rex!" he declared. "I like it a lot."

"I like it too." Imogen replied. "One of the best qualities of a person, I'd say. I accept your Rating Game challenge."

"I do too." Sairaorg's battle-hungry grin grew larger. "I hope you can back up your bark against both Imogen AND myself, Rex."

After making this declaration, which floored all of the Young Devils, and some of the stronger adult Devils present as many adult Devils had lost Rating Games, and dignity, to Sairaorg or Imogen, Sairaorg and Imogen left the party.

However, as the party began to get back on track, someone who had previously been out for the count for most of the party, was back on his feet.

"D-Don't act so superior to everyone, G-Gremory!" Zephrydor, who had a large bruise and VERY bloody nose, growled. 

"Even if you're the son of Sirzechs, and engaged to the highest-class pair of young tits here, and challenging Bael and Belial trash on a whim, you don't have to rub it in our faces!"

"And you don't have to get involved in what I do, Glaze-Your-Bowl-Ass." Rex replied. "And what the fuck are you talking about with the 'engaged to the highest-class pair of young tits here' bit?"

"Don't you know?" Zephrydor replied to Rex, hate in his eyes. "I know. I know you're engaged to Seekvaira Agares, only because I was denied her lovely virgin ass, you little-!"

Valian, having had quite enough of Zephrydor running his mouth, walked over to him, twisted his non-pierced arm to the point that it broke, karate-chopped his neck, making him fall to the ground, and stamped on the back of his knee, crushing joint and bone. 

Placing a silencing spell on him to stop him from screaming, the silver-haired bombshell walked back to Rex, who had gone deathly still. As had the whole party-hall.

No-one made a sound. No-one moved an inch. Fuck, no-one could hear anyone BREATHE.

"Who is Seekvaira Agares?" Rex' voice cut through the silence like one of Alexander Anderson's bayonets cut through the flesh of heathen swine. "Where is she?"

After a moment, there was the sound of footsteps, and Seekvaira Agares herself, wishing that she had worn brown pants, stepped forward.

Seekvaira was a beautiful young bespectacled woman in her late teens, with long blonde hair with a slight hint of light green, and pink eyes. She wore a blue robe that had the Agares crest on the back of it, over a mini-skirt, high boots, and a number of accessories that added to her posh vibe.

"H-here." Seekvaira replied. "I am Seekvaira Agares."

"Is this true?" Rex asked her, as the entire party seemed to lean forward in anticipation, as nothing of this sort had ever been announced. "Are we engaged?"

Seekvaira gulped.

"I... I-it's true.' She replied. "Father told me that he had confirmed this for months with Lord Zeoticus Gremory."

Rex remained silent for a full minute, before speaking again, in the same, calm-as-death tone.

"I see."

And that was all the warning Zeoticus got before he was frozen in place by his grandson.


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