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"I gotta say, Mira." Rex remarked. "The fashion sense of whoever you got to pick out these clothes for me is fucking amazing."

"I'll pass your compliments on to Coco, Rex." Mirajane replied. "And yes, she does. We've been friends ever since I became Rias' Queen."

"Cool." Rex replied, as Rias was looking up to see someone coming towards the four of them. The person coming towards them was a tall beautiful young woman with short white hair, tanned skin, and golden green eyes. She had a rabbit tail and rabbit ears, shaped like horns. She had a shapely and sturdy figure, and wore a modest-looking maid outfit.

"Hello, Zest." Rias greeted her. At the mention of the name, Rex looked up, and clapped eyes on Zest for the first time.

'Well, someone's a good-looking maid.' He remarked to himself. 'Almost as hot-looking as Palutena does in a maid outfit.'

"Hello, Rias." Zest bowed to Rias. "You called me here?"

"Yeah, I did." Rias replied. "I wanted to introduce you to someone." She looked at Rex. "Rex, this is Zest, the maid I told you about."

"Cool." Rex replied. "Nice to meet you."

Zest bowed in return.

"And this is Rex, Zest. My nephew... and my lover." Rias replied. Zest looked back at Rex, a slight pinkish colour coming over her face as images of a nude Rex flashed into her mind.

Very pleasant images.

"Anyway, let's not keep anyone waiting." Rias replied, before turning to Zest. "We'll talk later, Zest." Zest bowed, and walked away, as the doors automatically opened, revealing the large party hall and all the guests inside. Rex mentally counted at least a hundred of them.

"Rias! Rex!"

Rias and Rex both looked up, and saw Sirzechs, wearing his usual Lucifer attire, waving the pair of them over., Venelana, wearing a white dress with dark lace trim, and Zeoticus, wearing a bright white suit. 

Sirzechs and Venelana looked reasonably calm, while Zeoticus looked like his inward anger was close to boiling over.

Next to Sirzechs was Grayfia, and next to Zeoticus was an attractive young woman with violet eyes and a rather ganguro-like appearance: tan skin and light blond, shoulder-length hair. 

She appeared to be in her late twenties or early thirties, and had violet eyes. She wore a black, oversized commander jacket, under which was a short black dress with an empire halter and a necklace. She wore gladiator-like sandals.

"Hey, Dad." Rex greeted Sirzechs, when he and Rias walked over.

"Glad you could make it, Rex." Sirzechs spoke, hugging his eldest son, and then releasing him once Grayfia glared at him. "Rias has been telling me some rather interesting things, over the past week about things that've been going on between you and her."

"Speak for yourself, Sirzechs." Zeoticus muttered, as Rex looked up into the eyes of his father.

"Where are you going with this, Dad?" Rex asked. "You mad that I'm fucking Rias?"

"Not at all, Rex." Sirzechs replied, inwardly shocking his eldest son, and his younger sister as well. "None of us do. Better you than Riser."

Zeoticus coughed, pointedly, but he was ignored by his wife, oldest son, daughter and grandson.

"It's nice that Rias has found someone that she feels comfortable enough with to give her purity to, Rex." Venelana spoke, kindly. "And it's a plus that he's attractive, too~"

"Uh huh." Rex replied, not reacting or caring, for that matter to his grandmother's flirting. "Also thanks for thinking I'm better than Riser for Rias, Dad."

"It's only true." Sirzechs smiled, ruffling the hair of his son.

"No, it's not!" Zeoticus growled, glaring death into Rex' eyes. "You ruined one of the best potential marital agreements in recent Devil history-"

"For who?" Rex glared back at his grandfather. "For you, who doesn't give a shit about your own daughter and tried to marry her off to a playboy asshole? Or for Rias, huh?"

Rex didn't even give Zeoticus the chance to reply to him, as he and Valian walked away from him, Venelana and Sirzechs, with Rias and Mirajane following.

"Thanks, Rex." Rias spoke up to her nephew. "For saying that. To Father."

"No prob." Rex replied, smiling down at Rias.

"Well I'm gonna go somewhere." Rias remarked. "See you."

She and Mirajane left, and Rex turned around...

And saw Serafall, dressed in a dark blue dress, Fianna, dressed in a dark yellow dress, and another woman standing a few feet away from him.

The other woman appeared to be a middle-aged woman that had very light-blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. 

Her eyes were bright green and she wore thin ovular glasses. She had dangling teal earrings that matched the hanging pendant on her collar. She wore a white long-sleeved, pleated top that had a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flared in pleats at the wrist. 

Her lower body was covered by a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons and black-brown stockings. She wore black boots with bronze heels, and a cape that is purple inside and black on the outside. 

The cut of the cape was stylized to end in flames and arrows, with a row of diamond-shaped bronze beads on the back.

"Hey." Rex greeted the two Satans and Glynda Goodwitch Serafall's Queen.

"Hi, Rex~" Serafall greeted her godson, in a far calmer tone than the silver-haired Nephalem was used to: something that surprised him. "I've... got something to say."

Rex was silent, as Fianna seemed to give Serafall a little bit of non-verbal insitence. However the fuck that worked.

"Rex..." Sera took a breath. "I'm sorry, for making you feel so uncomfortable in bed with me, way back when."

Rex blinked.

"I just hope you can forgive me." Serafall spoke, looking up at Rex hopefully. "Because I still love you, Rex."

"…" Rex was silent, as when Serafall spoke, he remembered a particular time that his godmother did what she was referring to in her apology.


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