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She loved Tom and Tom loved her. That was more precious than her dreams of freedom.

Love was more important than the fresh air and the radiant sun.

She slipped out of her dress and underclothes and stared at the corner. A small rectangular cabin suddenly materialised in front of her, a comfortable function of her prison.

She went inside the bathroom and let the hot water rain over her from the shower head.

"Goodbye. I have everything I need." She smiled in a pained melancholy, her tears and water intermixing on her pale face, her sorrow and relief overflooding her as she bid farewell to her dreams.

When she stepped out of the cabin and into her room, she was surprised to find a man sitting lazily on the edge of her bed.

"I have an offer for you, Voldemort." The green-eyed and black-haired man smiled beatifically. She was momentarily surprised, not knowing who he was or how he got inside her room.

Then her white face reddened and so did her eyes. She pointed her hand at him and snarled viciously, "Creator!"


She loved Tom and Tom loved her. That was more precious than her dreams of freedom.

She stiffened when she felt someone whisper something in her ear.



She snarled, flinging a bolt of lightning at him.

Chaos didn't even twitch and the lightning vanished into nothing. The clap of thunder uselessly boomed around them, signifying how futile her attempt was.

He remained seated on the edge of her bed with the same lazy smile still etched on his face.

Undeterred and unrelenting, she snapped her hands in front of her and closed her fingers into a fist. Dozens of silver spears formed above her before shooting towards the strongest being in existence.

The Creator did not move and the silver projectiles vaporised before they could touch him.

"Enough, Voldemort. Cease your temper tantrum. I am not here to hurt you. If I wanted you dead, you would be dead." He smiled.

Not a pleasant one. It was a poor caricature of a smile, like the ones sadistic psychopaths give their pets before butchering and maiming them for fun.

Even though she wanted nothing more than to destroy this monster, she knew her limits. Taking a calming breath, she stood straight and crossed her arms behind her back in a regal pose.

She did not let his lecherous gaze on her naked figure make her feel uncomfortable. She was Voldemort, not some shy teenage maiden.

That didn't mean she would give him a free show though. The only one who was allowed to see and touch her beautiful form was her husband.

She twirled her wrist and a black robe covered her nude body.

Her red eyes were narrowed in clear anger and her lips were pulled in a frank show of derision.

"Sssay what you are here for and then remove yourssself from this cassstle." She hissed, her parseltongue slipping in due to her fury.

"A feisty one, I see. Hmm, should I enslave you for my pleasure? You will make a fine sex slave. It will be fun to break you. But nah, the ongoing game will be spoiled without you in it. Saved from me because of the plot armour, what a lucky woman you are." Chaos thought out loud as if he was thinking about the weather and not of obliterating someone.

Voldemort stiffened and fear grew in the pit of her stomach. She wasn't stupid enough to think she could escape him.

He was an omniscient being. He knew everything and everywhere. She wasn't even sure if her own thoughts were secure inside her head.

"No, they are not." A whisper made her jump. She whirled around, her hand pointed at him and already glowing with fire.

'How did he get behind me!' She thought with her heart beating like a drum, she stifled the temptation to throw the fireball at his face.

"Oh, I would like to get behind you, if you know what I mean and don't bother with the fire, it won't work. As for how I appeared behind you? I am God, duh. When will people stop underestimating me? How stupid can you be? The title God should tell you all you need to know about me. It's not a bluff, but a literal title. I am the God with capital G." Chaos sighed, shaking his head at her stupidity.

"Why are you here?" She asked cautiously and in a subdued manner, ignoring his rant. It was hard not to feel hopeless when your enemy was undefeatable. She reluctantly walked back and sat down on the bed.

"To give you an offer, of course." He grinned suddenly, dropping his annoyed mood. His mood swings were enough to give her a migraine.

She might actually have one after the conclusion of their conversation.

He conjured a chair and took a seat in front of her.

"Why would you give me an offer?" she asked sceptically.

"To spice things up, obviously. I just can't stand your lovey-dovey romance with your male counterpart. It's sickeningly sweet. I am here to liberate you from your blissful ignorance with the cold truth."

She chuckled icily, glowering at him. "No need, your highness. My husband told me the entire truth. If that was what you came here for then you may show yourself out."

"The entire truth? Really? Wow, I never knew Dark Lords were supposed to be honest people. Then again what can I say? It's not like I am some all-knowing God or anything?" That was his sardonic response.

Her eyes widened before they narrowed again. "What do you mean? Are you accusing my husband of lying?"

"Well, not lying, but just not telling you the whole truth. Indeed, all he said was the truth. Yes, you are half of his soul given consciousness. Yes, I have imprisoned you both in here. Voldemort inside this castle and you in this room. But did he tell you that your wedding ring is charmed?" He asked with a barely suppressed smirk.

"Charmed for what?"


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