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"I am sorry, Harry. But please let me handle this. I will feel weak if I have to ask for others' help for such minor trouble."

"Okay, Daphne. You can do what you want. But at least wear this. It's a special portkey which will take you to Potter Manor if you are in danger. The password is 'Safe Haven'." Harry requested, pushing his hand in his pocket and pulling out the enchanted silver necklace from the inventory. 

He decided not to tell her the real worth of the necklace on the off chance that she might be too proud to totally depend on a necklace for her safety.

"Fine. You win. Go ahead." Daphne sighed fondly at him, turning around so he could put it on. He was such a worrier sometimes. Though she wouldn't deny it felt good to be cared for so much. Her face flushed red as he stood close behind her, his fingers grazing her neck as he set the necklace on her.

"I want one too." Astoria grumbled, slipping between them, bumping her bum against her sister's to push her away from him. They were getting too close for her comfort.

Harry looked down at the pouting blonde and couldn't suppress the smile. He patted her head and said, "You don't need anything like that, Tori. You have me in person to protect you. I hope you will take me over a necklace anyday."

"When you put it like that, I definitely got a better deal. Hehe, Daph, you loser." Astoria giggled, hugging his right arm and sending a triumphant smirk at the glowering girl.

"Sometimes I want to kiss and cuddle you while other times I want to gut you like a fish. Is it normal?" Daphne whispered under her breath, but the other two definitely heard her since Astoria got scared and hid behind him.

"Let's go, Tori, before Daphne's urge to 'gut you like a fish' really takes over her." Harry laughed, grabbing her arm and running towards the exit.

"Run from the demon!" Astoria yelled, being led by him.

Daphne simply rolled her eyes at those two and exited the room in a calm and composed manner.


Harry waited patiently under the Invisibility Cloak. At the sound of light footsteps, he looked up at the stairs which led to the girls' dormitories.

Iris climbed down quickly, scanning the common room for him. He took off the Invisibility Cloak and stored it in his inventory. Without another word, she stepped close to him and held his hand. 

Then they teleported to the seventh floor where Harry paced three times and a door formed on the wall. They both moved inside the newly formed room which was a modified version of his own bedroom back home.

There was only a single bed in the medium sized room. Iris took his hand and led him towards the bed on which they sat face to face. She gave him a look and demanded, "Tell me."

And he did. He told her about his dream and the terrifying threat from the Creator.

"That's troublesome." Iris whispered in shock and fear.

"That's one way of putting it. I have a deadline, and the punishment for not accomplishing my objectives by then is eternal torment." Harry sighed worriedly. "Let me talk to Isis and see what she has to say."

'So, what do you think, Isis? Do I have any chance in defeating Voldemort who is as powerful as a minor god? And do you think I can do that before the end of my fifth year?'

[You are taking too much stress, Harry. After maxing the [Fighter] Class and with the Black Sword, you will be easily able to off the Dark Lord. Don't worry too much. If you continue at your current pace, you will reach level 1000 by the end of your fourth year. For now, just focus on levelling up and finishing your quests. Thinking too much about the future will spoil your present.]

Harry nodded at his friend's advice and retold Iris what she had said. The siblings readily agreed to drop the long face and be confident in his success. And just after that, a new quest popped up.


— Defeat Iris in a hand to hand combat.]


— 1000 XP for Harry Potter

— 1000 XP for Iris Potter]

"What is it, Harry? Why do you look like you swallowed a lemon?" asked Iris.

"My latest quest is to defeat you in hand to hand combat." Harry replied with an annoyed huff. Iris on the other hand grinned excitedly and dragged him to the centre of the room.

"Let's do it. I always wanted to bloody your cute face. I will finally take my revenge for all the times you called me 'little sister'." She cackled, wringing her hands in warm up and curling her fingers inwards into fists.

"I am not sure whether I should be happy that you called me cute or scared that you are eager to punch me." He said blandly, changing the room for the appropriate event. The floor was now covered with mats, which should hopefully soften their falls.

Iris just smirked, quickly tying up her red hair in a messy bun.

"Are we really doing this? Are we really going to punch and kick each other? I can't do that. I will feel like a jerk if I hurt you." Harry groaned, trying to calm her down.

"That's pure arrogance, brother. I can hurt you too, you know. And I too will feel bad about it. But it's the quest. We have to finish it and we might even learn something from it. Let's start." Iris laughed and tried to hit his face.


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