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"Ah, the very same ones that you gave me to burn it. I see how curious. By any chance did you make copies of them for later perusal." Daphne was giving off such a strong blood lust that made even Harry freeze.

"You asked me for the books, I gave it to you. No one said that I couldn't ask the house-elves to make copies of it." Astoria whimpered, discreetly giving Harry an SOS for help.

"How cunning! Usually, I would be proud, but I think you really need some punishment this time. It can't go on like this. It is no laughing matter." Daphne thought out loud as she took out her wand.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, Daphne. She is just an innocent child. She didn't mean it. She will burn those nasty books and won't even make a copy this time. Right, Tori?" Harry interrupted before it could escalate, clutching Astoria protectively in his lap.

"Yes. I promise." Astoria jumped at the lifeline given to her and gave her the best innocent cute look she could produce at that terrific moment. But Daphne had been immune to that trick after she became older. She wasn't so easily led by her little sister's innocent look.

"Harry, don't intrude in family matters." Daphne turned her chilly gaze at him before wrenching Astoria off him and dragging her away, most probably home to complain to their mother.

"Harryyy!" Astoria screamed as Daphne picked her up like a sack of potatoes and floo-ed back home.

Another moment of silence enveloped them after the Greengrass sisters left.

"Well, that was… interesting." Tracey chuckled nervously.

"Interesting is one way to describe that." Iris added with an amused smile.

"Hopefully, Mrs. Greengrass won't be too hard on her." Harry sighed with some worry. The others just rolled their eyes at him, knowing that the little tyke had him wrapped around her pinkie.

Just then Harry's white cat, Aura, came running in the living room and jumped into Tracey's lap and licked her face happily. Tracey was frozen in surprise for a moment before she giggled and hugged the cat.

"Friends. Meet Aura. She is my new pet." Harry smiled at the soft gentle look in Tracey's eyes.

"Papa, she smells exactly like Tracey from the other world. She even looks similar. I am so happy." Aura mewled.

'Yes. Aura. She is Tracey just like our friend from that world.' He replied telepathically.

The time after that passed away quickly as the friends talked and exchanged gifts. Though they had to send the gifts to Greengrass sisters by owls.


Harry was lounging on his bed on Christmas night. The day had been good and now it was time to sleep. But he had a task to complete before he could relax and bid goodbye to Christmas. He had to create a skill since today was one of the two days (the other one being his birthday) where the System allowed him to use the [Skill Create] perk. He stared at the ceiling thoughtfully and raked his brain for an idea.

'How about the XP multiplier?'

[Request denied.]

'Time dilation?'

[Request denied.]

Harry furrowed his brows in consternation. He really wanted time dilation since he could use it to shorten the time required to level up. Then again, he was creating a skill and it wouldn't be able to help him when he changed classes.

Honestly, he needed a Perk instead of a skill because Perks stayed with him even when he changed Classes. He realised that whatever skill he created would only be useful for the Mage Class. So, he decided to stop thinking too big and tried to think about what he needed in his Mage Class right now.

He had strong offence and unshakeable defence, but one thing he lacked was a skill which could bind his enemies. He knew that there would come a time when he had to incapacitate the opponent without hurting them. And this severe lack could cost him his victory. With his mind set on the skill, he created it.

[Skill Created:]


[– A strong magical lasso which can hold any type of being as long as the user provides enough mana.]

Though a bit underwhelming, he still needed this skill. A needle was far inferior to a sword, but it still had its uses and no shining sword could do the work which a needle did.

Everything in the world had its own place in the grand scheme of the multiverse. Everything had its own value and usage.

With his work done, Harry curled around Aura and went to sleep.


"I am so glad that you are fine, Iris and Harry. I was worried." Hermione exclaimed in joy as they sat in a compartment in the Hogwarts Express.

[Name: Hermione Granger

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 14

HP: 700

MP: 1400

Affection: 20

Obedience: 5

Thoughts about you: Fondness]

Harry, Iris and Neville sat on one side while Daphne, Tracey and Hermione sat on the other seat.

"I am glad too that I am fine, Hermione. Thank you. How was your Christmas holiday?" asked Iris.

And Hermione then went on a long rant about how dinner with the extended family was always annoying and uncomfortable and why she never enjoyed meeting all her cousins at once. If he was being honest, it was a little entertaining to listen to. But sleep soon came upon him and he glanced at his sister.

"Be my pillow." He mumbled drowsily and kicked Neville off the seat, spreading his legs and placing his head in Iris' lap. She shot him an amused look, but in the end let him use her hips as a pillow, gently running her fingers through his black locks.

Neville, who stood up from the floor of the cabin, smacked his leg in annoyance, but Harry was already asleep. Neville sighed, seeing that the Potter siblings had taken over the whole seat, he sat beside the other girls.


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