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"No, I was just trying to look out for my people."

Saying nothing else we made our way out of the room. Grayfia being bound by the chains and being dragged along with us. Sirzechs stumbling along as we left. 

Devils stationed outside did try stopping us as we left, but Sirzechs stopped them with his energy of destruction.

I cared little for the small loss in the forces I would be amassing. I was just using them as a means to tire my father out. 

Even if in his vast wellspring of power, this wouldn't be little more than a hindrance for him.

This is all they could muster... pathetic. Army's of heaven and hell and only about forty thousand subjects are worthwhile.

The rest are mere trash. The fallens aren't better sitting at ten thousand that are of noticeable status.

It is quite entertaining though. I can feel their disdain for being forced to work together in their subconscious. 

However, on an instinctual level, they all fear me. My holy presence is too much for many devils to tolerate and being reduced to cinders.

The only thing keeping them alive is me rescinding it. The angels and fallen covet my power, but feel two different emotions for me. Reverence and fear.

As my power eclipsed their father they wished to be closer to me, but also they wanted to run as they could tell I was nothing like him.

Chuckling to myself, I rested my hand on my palm leaning into it. Waiting for Father is boring, but I can't do anything about it.

His presence has disappeared in all realms; the only place I feel him is in the presence of Great Red and Ophis.

Great Red because he is another lock on the seal he placed upon himself and Ophis because she is pregnant. A part of me wants to tear the baby out of her in front of him as I know he would feel pain from seeing it.

However, it would only hurt the Mavros side of him. The better side if only he would have been around those centuries ago.

Maybe this would be different, but nothing will stop my vengeance at seeing him perish at my hands.

"Do you truly wish for it to end like this, young one? To see your father completely fade."

The enormous presence of power appeared next to me. As I felt someone sit on a throne that wasn't there before. Looking over at them, I saw a man of slender frame but you could see the defined muscles he kept concealed beneath his clothes. 

He wore an all-black T-shirt and jeans pants. A black leather jacket covered his arms and sunglasses covered his red eyes. His red hair on top of his head filled me with annoyance as it was how my father looked.

What is up with men and the color red? Especially, for beings that could change their appearance at will. Why choose the color red? I truly don't understand. Shaking my head, I paid attention to the creature next to me. I knew who they were, it was quite simple what status they held. 

The one at the Apex. The one that all beings should fear as nothing is beyond his grasp. Well, beings that weren't on the same standing as him. Like my father and I.

"Red, surprised you aren't still playing around in the stolen abode of yours. What brought you here? Did you come to stop me? I'm sure you know that would be a fatal mistake for you."

Red chuckled, shaking his head.

"Nothing like that, Hikari. Plus, you and I both know that would be a fatal mistake... but not for me. My death would only give him more power. You could try sealing me, but I'm quite certain I could make a flame or something strong enough to reduce me to ash before that. Are you inclined to try, dear?"

I released my holy energy causing the platform we were on to crack under the pressure, but he didn't even budge as he remained seated on the chair. Clicking my tongue, I recalled the energy.

"What do you want?"

He hummed to himself as he looked over the army below us.

"Nothing. Just curiosity got the better of me. See I knew who your father was since the beginning. My domains of dreams allow me a lot of insight into others. So, I know how he thinks and what he wants to achieve. I even know you and I know this isn't truly what you want. So, I wonder why you go down this path?"

"First, what do you mean by beginning? The beginning when he became Mavros or the beginning of my father's life. Before he ascended."

"I've lost track over the years. I know he is older than I am, but yet with my knowledge, I feel as if I came before. I'm not quite certain about which beginning I speak either. As they both are the same." Red said, looking thoughtfully to the side his eyes shined behind his glasses with an energy that I wasn't familiar with.

"It doesn't matter, though. It would result in the same outcome, so would you answer my question."

I hate having to deal with seers. They act as if they know everything past, present, and future yet reveal nothing. If I could see the future that would help me out with a lot of my problems.

Yet, this had always been something I could not achieve. As if it was something my body couldn't grasp. Maybe something dear Dad placed upon me.

"You claim to be able to gain insight into others through their dreams, but still come to me for the answer. Why not delve into my dreams and find out for yourself? Take out the middleman. Not have to worry about deceit."


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