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After stepping into the teleportation circle, they appeared on a small hill overlooking a beautiful valley.

Behind them lay a dark forest and in front of them, down the slope, a path led to a village nestled in the green valley. Harry turned to look at Iris and found her changed into a different set of clothes than the ones she was wearing earlier.

Instead of her modern t-shirt and shorts, she had tight brown leather trousers and a white old fashioned undershirt on. A beautiful green embroidered travelling cloak was over her clothes and went down to her ankles. Sturdy high black boots adorned her legs. Her wand lay in a sheath hanging at her waist as if it was a sword. The cloak's hood was thrown over, hiding her braided crimson hair.

All in all, her appearance was that of an adventurer of old times. Or at least like the ones he had read in a few fantasy novels.

"Iris, what happened to your clothes?" He asked, astonished and enamoured by her look. She looked so cute in it.

"I should ask you the same question, brother. Look at yourself." She whispered in awe as she checked herself.

Harry did and found that his clothes were exactly like her. Even the colour of his clothes and the cloak was the same. With their same height and similar eyes, the clothes did a superb job in making them look like twins. One look at their appearance would be enough for others to identify them as siblings.

"I look awesome. Don't you think so?" Iris laughed, giving a knightly pose. Harry chuckled and nodded.

"You look beautiful and deadly. Let's go and see what this is about." He smiled and pointed towards the village down in the valley.

"Oh, look! There is an arrow hologram hovering over us. I think it is our guide. This actually feels like a game." Iris grinned, jumping from one foot to another in her exuberance.

They descended down the hill and approached the gate of the village, following behind the hovering red arrow hologram. Two people in cheap bronze breastplates and red tattered uniforms stood guard outside. Above the gate a shabby wooden plaque hung, which displayed the village's name.

"Teatanpole. That's a… good name." Harry corrected himself before he could offend the gatekeepers who were staring at them suspiciously. Iris wasn't sure whether to laugh or blush so she did both and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Identify yourself, strangers, and state your purpose for visiting Teatanpole." One of them said loudly.

"My name is Harry and this is my lovely sister Iris. We are travellers, wandering from one village to another in search of an adventure." Harry answered with a good natured smile, acting his part. Iris too smiled and nodded.

"A bit young for adventuring, lad and lady. But we will let you try as well. You have come to the right place in the end if you wanted an adventure. There is indeed a perilous quest and a greater reward for the ones who conquer the evil sorcerer and revive the slumbering daughter of the chief. Go through the gates and seek the village chief. He will tell you the details. Good luck children, you will need it. And rest in peace if you die. We don't want any more undead, we just defeated and drove them away last winter."

Harry's and Iris' smiles strained, but they peacefully stepped into the village of Teatanpole without making a scene. A broad cobbled path passed straight through the village while many smaller and narrower stony roads intersected it at various points.

Archaic brick houses stood on the sides of the roads and people shot them curious looks as they marched towards the village centre where the chief's house was. Harry stopped short when he saw a group of scantily clothed ladies leaning against a wall. They were talking and giggling among themselves. The amount of skin they showed made him blush furiously.

"Oh, darling, come here. We will make your dreams come true. Just one galleon and this mommy will let you drink milk from her very own teats." A buxom and flaxen haired woman whistled as she noticed them, shaking her big round boobs at him while the others chuckled.

"Or will you rather become a man and impale me with your pole, little boy?" Another woman, this one black haired and tan skinned, proposed, pulling up her dress and baring her thighs until her frilly underwear was visible. The laughter just turned louder and louder. Even the passers-by were smiling amusedly at the uncomfortable look on the young travellers' faces.

Iris grabbed his hand and they hurried past them, ignoring their calls to come back. Both the Potters were blushing down to their necks at the show of such indecency. They had never been more mortified in their lives.

Those women were even worse than the other Daphne, Harry thought. In front of them she seemed so innocent now. A wave of longing hit his heart at the thought of his friend from the other world.

They soon reached the village centre and easily found the chief's house. They stood in front of the door and knocked. Half a minute later, a servant opened the door and led them towards the meeting room. He took them near a long table and asked them to take a seat. He informed them that the master of the house would see them soon.

"How are you finding your first quest, Iris?" asked Harry.

"Interesting and fun. Are all your quests like this?"

"No. This is new even for me. Usually my quests are very straightforward and mostly centre around killing. This is a nice change of pace. It's like we are in some good old fantasy world." Harry grinned happily.


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