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Ban and Elaine were on guard as I had moved faster than they could track. Knowing this may take a little bit, I went to sit down as a throne appeared out of the ground that was made of shadows.

I waved my hand, causing three chairs and an end table with tea to form for them. As I leaned on my blackened hand.

"Please, Sit. We have some things to talk about."

Being as powerful as we are, it does feel pretty nice to flex what we can do to those weaker. It's... amusing. I could feel that Prime was agreeing with me as I have memories of him doing similar things.

One had him appear in a throne room with twelve gods, and he made the King of them vanish as he took his throne. That same king reappeared next to the throne in a suit with some drinks like a butler. I couldn't help but chuckle at this as the God I was seeing was known to be very prideful.

'Ah, Zeus. It was always fun to mess with him. The number of times he would be in the process of cheating on Hera, and I forced him and his fling to show up in the middle of the council. Both of them being butt naked and in the process of making love. Interestingly enough, Hera took no influence on my part, and she came to my bed of her own free will. To rub it in Zeus' face, I had turned him invisible and silenced him as he watched me and his wife.'

Oh, wow, that is gold. Let me guess you broadcasted it to Olympus, too.

'You know us so well. Hera was really feisty after she learned what I did. Sure, made for some nice hate sex, though.'

"So, what did you want to talk about? Why do you claim to be a fellow sin?"

Ban voice brought me out of my thoughts as I noticed that I had all sat down in the seats, I summoned for them. Elaine was the only one who took the tea I had offered and sipped it. Her eyes went wide at the taste.

"I guess this will be easier if your memories are returned to you."

As I forced my power to absorb the haze around each of their minds. I could see the visible fear appearing on Jericho and Elaine's face.

"L-Lord A-Abyss, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you." Elaine said as she got up to do a bow, and Jericho joined her.

"Not your fault. Gowther erased all your memories of me. His power is no match for mine, though. Also, I no longer go by that name. Either call me Mavros or Prime."

"Where have you been? You were never one to disappear for as long as you did. Always like causing trouble. Even more than I did."

"Long story short, I was sealed away. I'm back now only because I'm trying to regain some of my locked power. In the process, I've been helping the sins kill the commandments in return they help me stop my daughter from trying to kill me."

They all grew silent, obviously having a lot of questions that I wasn't going to answer.

"Anyways, I just ate Melascula, who brought back Elaine over here. It intrigued me how she was still alive, so I came to her to investigate."

Silence continued from all three of them.

"I'm sorry, you ate her?" Jericho asked slowly.

My eyes drifted over to her, which made her extremely unease. Messing with her nerves.

"Forget her. She doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut." Ban said, bringing my attention back to him.

"It's fine. Curiosity isn't wrong to have. Sometimes, it can kill." I said with a smirk. As I turned back to Jericho. "Yes, I ate her. My power allows me to assimilate others, and even though I can do it by touch. I prefer eating."

I saw Jericho sweating a little at my answer causing me to laugh. "You have no worries. Eating you would hardly sate my appetite. Plus, I already have a power stronger than your explosion."

"You've changed, Mavros. You never liked talking about yourself. Merlin was the only one of us that could ever get you to open up."

"Ban, the reason I gave you two names was because at the moment I'm two different people. One is the old Prime you knew the one you are speaking to is I, Mavros. It isn't difficult to distinguish us apart... at least for now."

Turning my eyes back to Elaine. As the conversation was getting tedious. I noticed she stilled at my gaze as she put the cup of tea down.

"I figured this wouldn't last long. Do what you wish."

"You touch her, and I'll fight you with everything I have, Mavros." Ban said, standing up. Pointing a finger at him, I waved for him to sit back down the gravity following my will. As he was forced back into his seat.

"Why don't you fight me?"

Elaine smiled as if remembering something.

"It would be pointless. There was a time that you visited the Fairy King's Forest. It was strange you appeared out of thin air looking out toward the forest. I thought you were going to take the Fountain of Youth, so I attacked you. As if my attacks meant nothing. The branches I sent to you turned to dust."

"You didn't even move or look at me. For a time, you just sat and stared out into the wilderness. Seeing that you weren't doing anything I stayed and watched you. Making sure you didn't get close to the fountain. At times you started crying before all emotion vanished from you. It was as if you were at war with yourself."

'I remember. This was after I gave life to Hikari and sent her away. I was lost and came to Britannia. It was my first visit to this world. Ended up in the Fairy King's Forest and I just kind of waited. Seeing if the Abyss would go at ease. It didn't sit easily.'


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