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Hello everyone! It's time to return to the traditional short reports!

It's time to come out of suspended animation and drop a little news about Anna.

I've remodeled my room a bit and now I'm actively using my video references for animation. I used to animate all the movements almost out of my head based on imagination. And now I'm using the camera and the video overlay mode on the scene. This is certainly not motion capture, but it turns out well. In my opinion, the character's movements have become more natural when animated in this way.

All gifs are just pre renderers.  Without superimposing the stage light and other stuff.

I also added a few minutes to the animation in which I prescribed a certain motivation of the character to have sex. To make everything more or less logical.

And now I'm finally! Did. This. I put an end to the more than 12-minute opening scene.

I also polished all the intro scenes for their render. Since I will most likely order the voice acting for this animation in advance. And I will do it 2 times. The first time is for the intro scene, when I finish rendering it. And yeas, I'm still doing render, my PC doesn't know what sleep is. And I'll order a second voice acting for the sex scene when she will be ready.  This will be the longest animation I've ever done on Blender.

But in general, this will be the animation that will mark the beginning of a full-fledged planned series of animations.

That's such a short report turned out. If everything works out, then maybe within a week I will already release the first Wips animation with Anna.  Finally it will be possible to close her mouth with something interesting.

Also. My period of semi-rest is going well. (if anyone is interested) Of the plans for this month, I still have a trip to my family planned. And it's always like roulette. Sometimes helps to rest, but sometimes you come back and remember why you were so happy about early emancipation from them :).




Very glad for the update, cant wait for the WIPs, and the animation of course in its own. And glad you've had a great "semi rest" period and that you sound complacent with that, and of course a good family rest period soon to come:) i've said alot of "and"s so ill stop here. What i mean to say "its good to hear from you, and cant wait for you works"👌💛


This looks crazy good dude

Seth Strattan

I’m glad for the update and I can’t wait for Anna. I hope you do a lady Dimitrescu sequel soon




This looks amazing!! Great job, so glad yo hear your period of semi rest is going well!! Hope you have a great trip to see your family!


This is going to be absolutely epic! Can't wait, it looks fantastic!

Lamont Horne

It's important to get your rest so as to not get burnt out but I can tell This gonna be dope for sure keep up the GREAT work 🫡☺️🫡