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A small announcement. I am forced to resume the subscription process this month. This is due to the fact that a lot of people write to me that they can't subscribe but want to watch Sadako.  It was necessary to suspend it after the release of Sadako. I hadn't thought of that. I thought that when I make such pauses, those who have already subscribed to me are not charged funds from them, and those who will subscribe to me for them nothing changes. BUT as it turned out, I completely blocked access to my works. This should be done when I'm working on a protracted project somewhere in the middle of its implementation or near the end. To relax and polish the project.  In general, I did not plan to suspend my workflow. The plans were to rest for just a couple of days and continue working fresh and full of energy.

According to my calculations . I looked at all the statistics of my subscribers. And I noticed that during these few days for which I stopped payments. All the subscription was automatically renewed on January 27-1 Febrary.  So in theory, I managed to make it so that you don't have to pay for this month  :).



Informative update, thankyou very much for everything including the month off. Not expected but very appreciated none the less.


Appreciate the heads up Dez. All good . Hope u do get that rest for a few days …. Definitely well deserved! 👊