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Wonder Woman gives you a gift and asked you to say that you are the best. 

Trust me, she's definitely not lying.

Hello everyone AND OF COURSE, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE. I wish you all the best, health to you and your loved ones.  

Let's discuss all the relevant topics. Now I am in the most exhausted state. The classic state after when the animation was released. This is coupled with maximum pleasant relief. I will be laconic in view of this whole situation. Especially after such a problematic animation as Sadako turned out to be at the end. Let's go.


January without charging.

There will be no charge for January. For those who don't know. This means that the subscription fee will not be charged to you for the next month, but will simply continue for a month. Until the beginning of February.

 Why? I just want to rest a little mentally.  I will continue to do animation with Frozen 2. I want to enjoy the holidays. ) Because of Sadako, there was not much time to prepare everything for the New Year.


Sadako/Frozen 2

Sadako. I was thinking of describing all the problems that have arisen with her this month. But I don't have the strength for that. It was hard for my PC. So much so that I reassembled it the day before yesterday. Replaced everything except the GPU. Maybe I'll change the video card. I don't know yet. It's funny that I released the last few Spooky animations in the new year. In particular, Daemon Girl was also completed in the new year, as far as I remember. 

According to the plans, the animation will have to be released 7 days after the release in early access. It's will be January 1st. I probably won't be able to post it on January 1 because I won't be at home, so in the worst case, I'll post it on January 2. But it may also turn out on the 1st.

Frozen 2 has been on the sidelines all this time. While I was tormented by Sadako. What plans for her? I will continue to make her render and I will continue to do animation. I think I'll look at the scenes I made from the side after the holidays and thereby get rid of the blurred eye effect in order to see the picture better.



2k animations are the maximum possible output for me so far. 4k is very hard from the point of view of rendering through the program. As I said earlier, I am considering an upscale resolution option for my old works in 4k using AI. The first thing after the holidays, I'll try to do it. In particular, I will take some relatively recent animation and try to translate it into 2k/4k format. If the result is satisfactory, then I will share it. And I will translate all animations into this format.



It has already become a tradition to try to update the design of your Subscribe page at the end of the year. But this time for sure. I've decided to redo my page visually. For a while DMC will hang out here. Until I figure out how to decorate subscription levels. And maybe I'll change the avatar. There are 0 ideas so far, but I'm tired of looking at emptiness. I'm usually almost not interested in things unrelated to animation. In particular, the organization of the appearance of pages and so on. I'm not very good at it. But i have to try.

That's all for now. I'm going to rest. Enjoy the upcoming holidays, relax and have a good time. 

Thank you all very much from the bottom of my heart. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Wonder Woman with love:




Love your work, you take a well earned rest now and come back stronger next year, and we'll be waiting, always. Have a great new years eve and happy new year<3


Thank you for the update 👍🏼. Hopefully you get the rest you need 😁. Also I don't think the animations need to be 4K, 1080p or 2K is plenty 👌🏼.

Merch Kerns

Happy New Year buddy! Thank you for the update, can’t wait for Sadako! I’m sorry to hear how much you had to struggle for our satisfaction. One issue I want to point out - I wanted to change subscription tiers (go higher) but Patreon won’t let me while you have put the subscription on hold. Any suggestions for that? I don’t mind paying twice, it’s just about $10 anyway. Couldn’t find anything on google either, so I’d been banging my head on the keyboard desperately trying to get that WIP Sadako 😅 In any case, thank you again for your work, it’s genuinely amazing! Hope you and your loved ones are doing well. ❤️

Matthew Ryan

You are an amazing artist. Thank you for all the updates!! Happy new year


Thanks! The subscription itself will work. It's just that those who have already signed up will not be debited from them. So in theory you can just increase your subscription level :).

Merch Kerns

Nope, the button is greyed out (disabled) and it says to try again when you unfreeze the payments. 😔 In short, Patreon is an idiot. 😅 No worries. I’ll change it in February then. 🙂


Happy New year and ty for the updates.


Appreciate ya Dezmall! Sry for the sadako trouble but really excited for it. More importantly happy new year to ya! Hope ya get some good time to chill and relax. 👊👊. And great job on Wonder Woman there too .