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[POLL] Male voice acting? When Aunt Cass.

  • Yes, male voice acting is needed in all animations. 81
  • Yes, male voice acting is only needed not in POV animation 67
  • No, don't need it. 455
  • 2021-04-15
  • —2021-04-22
  • 603 votes
{'title': '[POLL] Male voice acting? When Aunt Cass.', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, male voice acting is needed in all animations. ', 'votes': 81}, {'text': 'Yes, male voice acting is only needed not in POV animation', 'votes': 67}, {'text': "No, don't need it.", 'votes': 455}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 22, 16, 45, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 15, 16, 45, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 603}


When Aunt Cass coming for all

Firstly. As many already know, Animation from Aunt Cass is in Early Access and will be available on April 23-25. Before its release, there will be a "Status Update" post in which I will tell you what animation will be next. While I'm in thought. At the moment, I am solving problems that I pushed to the background until I finished the animation with Cass. One was solved. My account on X video, now in safe and it calmed me down. All strikes were removed from me and part of the video was unlocked.

Male voice:

Male voice acting. The question that I sometimes ask myself. I'm just wondering how much people are interested in the sounds made by the male character. Obviously, the conversation is not about the fact that the male moans were dominant in the animation, it would be strange, just separate lines or small moans and sighs. From my point of view, not in POV animation, it is possible adding male voice acting. Yes, I have a little more such animations than nothing :). But this is a matter of perspective.

I'm just interested in your opinion. Do we need a male voice acting?

I myself think about using her and I think that I will add it for the sake of experiment in some animation.



Subtitles go a long way even if there's no male voice to accompany said dialogue. You could try just adding subs here and there to spice up the scene.


Could there be a cut with male voice acing and a cut without?


Where my explanatory team? I don't quite understand you text:)


The more I think about it, sure. We'll mainly just be focused on the female moans though, but I have been told by my ex girlfriends that they think it's hot to hear men moan and say I'm cumming. Whether inside or outside


It is a tricky balance🤔. I assume that most of the audience are men. But it would be unfair to the female audience. I agree with Sayori Chu if it's possible to have two videos. One with female and male voice actors. The other just the female voice actor. It depends on how much more work that would intel for Dezmall.


If you have someone who can do it go ahead and add it. If the voice acting is good it can add a lot, but I can enjoy a video without it as well. And bad voice acting is worse than none.


Hey if you are going to add a Male Voice actor I would love to audition for the role!


I have no issue with male VA being in video's, but no lines in POV personally. It sort of breaks the sense of immersion with POV or VR video. I think breathing and mild moans(like very mild) is probably okay with POV. But anything past that shouldn't be in POV. Or if you really want to have something like that as telling a story, I'd opt for a subtitles version and a version with the male VA. As I assume that's added after the the animation is rendered anyhow right?


This is a small amount of work compared to the rest of the details, the amount of work will be less in terms of lips sync and other elements for the male character due to the focus on the woman and her emotions in my animations. Just double-rendering the final result takes an extra 1-2 days.


Right. There is a fear of the unknown result. But it's worth a try)


I'm not doing it yet, just speculating. And I find out the points of view of people on this issue. But thanks you!:)


Well, as you said, the question of immersion. For POV, I would not dare to insert a male voice in its full version with full-value dialogues. I'm still considering integrating male voice acting outside of the POV genre. And in the format of light moans and breathing to emphasize the character's involvement in the process. A friend of mine threw off a video where it looked very organic and it didn't take the focus away from the character. Yes, the sound is added after the animation is ready.


Lol definitely a big no for this one. It's like... You wanna have sex with the girl yourself, right? You are not sharing her with anyone. It's private business. So if there is a male voice in the background, it'll feel super weird, as if you are doing a 3P.


Its funny. Almost like the reasoning of my friend when I showed him an animation with Raven with superimposed male sound once upon a time. He said that he was trying to focus on the character and the process, but these moans were like some unknown guy sitting next to him and moaning out of nowhere.(If i remember, I did not quite successfully superimposed the sounds then, but nevertheless.) Well, so for the POV format, I try to use a minimum of sound for a male character. And all his actions and desires are either led by a woman or are understood from his movements or from his actions.


Strong believer in 2 versions. One with, and one without. POV doesn't need much though. Maybe a quiet laugh when he rams it in Cass's ass.


If male voice acting means male moans as well, then hell no. If it's just a guy talking to build up the story then eh, whatever. That can be very hit or miss so it's better off with no male voices at all. Half the time I think even the women talk to much in these things.

Thomas Benjamin

Depends on which is the primary audience. For women, more likey would favor male voice. For men, more would likey favor without the male voice. It also depends on the type of scene, a POV, interactive, first person, immersive, VR type of scene shouldnt have male voice. As it allows the audience more of a personal experience and use of the imagination to be placed in the shoes of the experience. But if its more of a show/movie where the audience watches the characters in third person or it is a plot heavy on-the-rails story telling where less is left to imagination because the story telling requires narration and/or dialogue. the male voice/acting is more forgivable. Either way, the female voice and character is the center focus. I personally favor immersive scenes where the female speak directly to me, without the character responding for me. because i use my imagination in response, and it allows me to fill the shoes of the experience.


As if anyone in the hentai making business ever makes anything targeted at women. Most of them, including this guy, don't even bother doing cunnilingus scenes. That tells you how much they care about female audiences.

Ross Bolejack

Depends on whether it enhances the story Dezmall is trying to tell. For example, the forbidden ritual. The text on the computer screen leads you to believe this guy isn't so sure about doing the ritual. Once the daemon appears he is obviously caught off guard. Would it enhance the story if he gasped just after her first laugh and her hand appears? Says "oh sh**" when he first sees her or she uses her powers to pin him to the floor? Would whimpers and breathing hard convey a greater sense of her dominating him? POV or not, does the male voice add to what the storyteller trying to tell?