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Finally, I can release this animation. There were many problems about which I spoke earlier that they were constantly delaying its release, but finally I did it!

I made the first half of the video a long time ago, then I switched to other animations because of the idea impotence regarding this video. Then the idea came to insert Anna into the animation, and I finally finished it. And then I had to make changes in the first half because some elements looked old enough. I was tormented with this queen ... But finally I brought her to the release and I can do other vulgarities with other characters with a calm soul.


Voice acting:

Elsa -  MissMoonified

Anna - SilkyMilk



You know, these palace intrigues are secrets where not every queen wants to follow the palace rules and obligations that impose her position on her. Elsa from such queens who wants to do everything her own way. And in this cold mind one very interesting and lustful idea was born which was supposed to help her with her female needs. And the main character became a victim of this idea that will drag him into those events.



1080p - Download  (Sync)


4k - Download (Mega)

4k - Download (Sync)

Part 2:

The Queen's Secret ~Anna Frozen 2~ {24:56 Min} [2k] 


Thank you for supporting me.





Will there be a part 2?


Elsa is such a hot character 🔥


I'd like to see more Anna as well as Elsa.


All the links are not working for me. Can you send a Dropbox link?


https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/al3vn7mdwvp3wulil1v5x/The-queen-s-secret-Elsa-Frozen-1080p.mp4?rlkey=m9xcdsgzezezeolt45b3ewvy2&dl=0 . So far, dropbox is not doing well. This is a temporary link hope it helps.


I'm glad you're glad :) And I'm glad that I'm free from her lustful paws.


oh bro you spoil me






I want a continuation of this story this is way to hot


Well, definitely not in the next vote) I want to take a break from this family. And mb wait for the updated model for Anna.

Chris Manuel

Hey I’m trying to open it on google drive but it’s not letting me ):


Hello. Hmm. File is available on google. Sync doesn't work either?

Chris Manuel

On google it says I need permission


Hm. It's hard for me to say anything yet. When I get home I'll see what it's all about.


I checked the google link for my friends and this works. In any case, it’s good that I posted an alternative download link :) I hope there were no problems with her.

Gerald L

damn that was great, although now I'm hoping for a sequel to continue on lol.


Yeah Arddvark is still working the Daz 5 Updating for his models. I think Elizabeth is the first.


Although the results are not in her favor. This does not mean that she will never get a sequel. I was thinking about animating with Neko Vampire Girl and if suddenly I do a job with them it will not be a direct continuation of my previous work, but a small group with the characters of Neko Vampire Girl. But in any case, I do not know when I can do this.


I hope there more with Anna in a sequel

Shan Applin

What a cliffhanger...will you create part 2 with Anna PLEASE?!?


At the moment I am doing a follow-up for Lulu based on the voting :). When the updated Anna model appears, it will be possible to continue for this animation.


Need part 2 of this ! I will go for 10$ Tier !!!


This animation is why I admire this work. $10 bucks for the artist lol

al allday

Wow...Simply Wow!

Howie Hammerman

Wow... The close up on her stomach when she's riding just wow. You're incredible.

christian allen

The Google drive link doesn't work :(


Many downloads are possible. When I'm at home, I'll to reload the link. Dropbox should work well .)

christian allen

Thanks, it works thru the sync link! So no worries! Thanks for the quick reply.