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Sheva Alomar and her BDSM outfit in her little photo shoot.

Animation Elsa and Sindel

To end the animation with Elsa, it remains to finish the last episode. Everything is ready for him. Even Anna arrived in time. 

But at some point I felt that I needed to get a little distracted from Elsa for just a couple of days. Something similar I had with the 19 minute LULU animation, when you do a lot of work for a while you notice that you become less productive in it. And I decided to shift my gaze (again) to Sindel. A model with a bunch of minuses but how good she is in other aspects if you do not look at these minuses. In this sexual battle, she will use her special techniques with hair and screaming. And she will also beat the body of his opponent with his juicy ass. I think in a couple of days you will already see this small battle.

I also released a little WIP-animation with her:




Looking forward for the else animation take your time and don't rush


Yes, recently, I stopped giving in to the rush in the process of creating animations. In the past, I often wanted to finish my animations as quickly as possible, which caused me to make a lot of mistakes.


Well I had play enough video games to know a rush game never goes well I believe you can say the same to almost anything else


What would say are the problems with the Sindel Model?


She uses 2 spine bondes. Because of which, movements in the spine can sometimes seem straight forward. But the main problem for me was related to jiggle bones. I love when the chest and butt of a character is actively given in to all movements. But in this there were only small movements. I already found an option how to add activity to her breasts and ass. At the moment, I'm testing this.


Yeah you might need to customize the rig a bit. Stealth seems to like to add many smaller bones and flexes, as to allow for more detailed control. Maybe ask him for advice directly for what you're hoping to do.


Well, this is no necessary. I'm already doing the finishing touches for the animation. The animation is almost ready, you just need to make small changes and wait for the voice from the actor.