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Once again, the pumpkin sends you all a happy halloween.

Release animation

Animation with our half-demon half-human titan (4:44 min) in early access and 28th-29th will be available.

I also deleted some wip animations with our bird because.... ? In discord i have post about it. ^_^

Halloween animation

What concerns halloween animation I already have of 2 minutes 30 seconds. (I was thinking of doing 2 minutes of animation, but my intro to the animation turned out to be 2 minutes ....) So I hope when i end animation i get a voice for animation by the 31st. 

Redistribution of animation in categories

I also think to reconsider the concept of short animations and basic ones. Initially, I would like short animations to be animations in the area of

a few seconds-minutes where there is only sex in one episode, good examples are  Anna, Claire Redfield. Movies this is all work above 5 minutes. But the same which uses several different scenes and the voice acting does not quite fit the understanding of short animation even though it is less than 5 minutes. And in general, the last 2 works that were supposed to be short animations went out of time for their planned scope of short animation. Therefore, I will redistribute several works into categories and try to accustom myself not to go beyond the planned framework so often.

hmm ... Or have I said this before? In general, the fight against unplanned drifts associated with a sharp increase in the duration of animations continues :)

I do not mean that I will make short animations shorter. But the fact is that I will try to be less distracted and not spread a lot of strength from one work to another as I did before. What happened to Elsa when I decided to do some small work in parallel with it and in the end I got a bunch of works that just took me away from Elsa animations, among which there were works for more than 8 minutes even ...

I learn to distribute my attention and strength if to be briefly :)

And happy upcoming halloween!

Hmm ... I wonder if anyone reads these posts to the end?




Well the halloween animation looks creepy AF.

Sloth King

Will the animations be normal as well. Because I do not have VR head set.

織田 方

I read Happy Halloween


I don't think she quite get's the idea of rimming. No wait! I can do better than that. "Now where'd my phone go?" no no, even better "You want me to stuck my what where?" x-P