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After the almost inexistent issue between the two Vice Heads was solved, Old Man Guan decided to right away begin teaching the ins and outs of what it entailed to be an alchemist.

This time round, Old Man Guan didn't take Zhao Wei back to the Alchemy Hall but led him through a spiraling path that led to a magnificent mountain peak.

The Grass-Wood Division boasted an array of standalone mountain peaks, but the one they were walking towards stood out, its majesty veiled by cotton-like clouds, adding to its awe-inspiring allure.

It reminded Zhao Wei of something like the theological Tower of Babel but in hindsight, it was almost 30 times taller than Mount Everest.

To save time, Old Man Guan silently took hold of Zhao Wei's arm and without his permission, he began to levitate both of them into the air.

Old Man Guan knew he was being impatient but so what?

He had finally clinched himself a monstrous genius with alchemical potential, so why shouldn't he be impatient and filled with happiness?

“Hey, Old Man…” Zhao Wei grumbled in a barely audible voice.

“Call me teacher!” Old Man Guan reprimanded him as he increased his flight speed.

“Okay, okay… Teacher!” Zhao Wei shouted over the howling wind even though he could easily isolate his soundwaves from outside interference if so he wished.

Zhao Wei just wanted to annoy someone.

Old Man Guan felt his eardrums tingle and ring repeatedly as if they were about to be blown into kingdom come.

And well, Zhao Wei's mischievous ploy did take effect.

Old Man Guan's facial expression creased into a legendary frown like that of an Elder from Mount Tai Sect who had just experienced an utter disrespect of the century from an ignorant junior.

“Don't ever shout like that. Like ever!” Old Man Guan warned while clicking his tongue in annoyance.

His old heart couldn't handle any more of that shouting from Zhao Wei.

“I can hear you just fine even if you talk in a muffled voice.” He then reminded him gently.

Old Man Guan couldn't really find fault in this crazy disciple of his.

“Sorry about that one, teacher.” Zhao Wei offered an apology although his eyes had an amused glint.

Zhao Wei felt that he could teach Loki, the God of Mischief, a thing or two about messing around with Odin - Allfather of the Nine Realms - during his Odin's Sleep.

A cultivator's auditory senses were sharp and sensitive especially those of higher cultivation like Old Man Guan. Zhao Wei knew very well what he had done.

'Sorry, not sorry.’ Zhao Wei thought inwardly as they traversed past voluminous, woolen white clouds.

But during the flight, Zhao Wei took his time to observe the energy flow - the circulation of the Qi of True Spirit.

He was kinda curious about how those of the True Spirit Realm interacted with the Heaven and Earth Origin to maintain flight.

He was also fascinated by the special properties of the True Spirit Strength.

Did it have some anti-gravity effects that could facilitate flight or were his speculations just too farfetched?

Was it a law or maybe an element in the atmosphere?

“We have arrived, Zhao Wei.” Old Man Guan's throaty voice immediately interrupted his reverie.

Zhao Wei just released a simple ‘Oh’ as he began to inspect the new environment.

There were quite a few large houses and Immortal Caves created on various parts of the peak.

The scent of medicinal pills and high-grade medicinal herbs permeated the fresh air at the peak.

The place kind of looked like a pill factory, Zhao Wei noted in amusement.

A couple of individuals dressed in almost similar robes as Old Man Guan's could be seen walking about in a hurry while some seemed to be having educational discussions about the Dao of Alchemy.

These people also varied in terms of age, as some looked like they were in their 20s, 30s, and 50s. Unfortunately, there wasn't someone of the same age as Zhao Wei.

“A haven for aspiring talents of Alchemy,” Zhao Wei casually commented, to which Old Man Guan smiled with pride.

“This is where you will find most of the master alchemists. Of course, there is a difference in seniority, experience, and skills among each master alchemist.”

“Aren't I the living persona of all three?” Old Man Guan lightly joked as he played with his thick brown beard out of habit.

Zhao Wei noticed this habitual action. He had noticed it ever since he met the old man. That's what terrifying observation skills do. It was both a curse and a gift.

“Teacher, I didn't know that you liked to blow your own trumpet,” Zhao Wei calmly spoke.

“One mustn't be overly prideful and observe humility but that doesn't mean that a person can't be allowed to let loose during several occasions.” Old Man Guan explained as he led Zhao Wei to a huge, ancient pagoda whose architectural design looked classy.

He received several greetings and bows from the other alchemists which spoke volumes of his status and seniority.

Zhao Wei himself became the subject of extreme curiosity among the master alchemists as they wondered what his identity was to walking behind Vice Head Guan, a very prominent figure in the society of alchemists.

Of course, Zhao Wei's not-so-[low profile] otherworldly face and Greek god-esque physique was something that couldn't be ignored.

Standing in front of the Pagoda’s door, Old Man Guan removed the golden medallion from his waist and hovered in the air.

In just a few seconds, the doors slowly opened wide for the two.

Zhao Wei arched his brows, wondering what the hell had just happened.

Old Man Guan noticed his surprise and released a short laugh.

Zhao Wei's expression looked goofy and it involuntarily made him want to just relieve his lungs.

“There's an invisible locking array surrounding the whole pagoda and the medallion I hold is inscribed with a special microarray that acts as the key.” Old Man Guan explained casually.

“These are Old Man Zhang's handiwork.”

“Truly fascinating!” Zhao Wei commented with genuine interest showing in his vibrant silvery grey eyes.

“Hmph, you have yet to truly see the fascinating things in the world of Alchemy!” Old Man Guan proclaimed with vehemence.

Zhao Wei almost rolled his eyes but restrained himself.

The two soon followed a hallway that led to a rich botanical garden that brimmed with a variety of exotic-looking herbs.

The sweet herbal scent hit Zhao Wei's olfactory senses like a Tsunami.

Amidst the herbal wonderland, stood a figure, more accurately, it was a mature woman of extreme beauty.

She had fiery dark red silky hair that tumbled all the way to her thin waist - a waist that beckoned the hands of a man to gently hold onto it.

Her gentle eyes were hazel with green fleeks, and in this rich botanical world of mismatched colors, made her seem natural as if she was a part of that beauty.

Her stylish dress was a mix of red and green, different from the standard alchemist outfit, and it hugged her curvaceous figure in just the right places.

She also exuded a mature aura that could make young men go bonkers over her. Yeah, she had that Onee-sama vibes or Ara Ara kind of thing going on.

When Zhao Wei’s eyes subtly wandered to her soft, red moist lips, he sincerely thought that they were every man's dream. Kissable and…

All of a sudden, she turned her head, pausing her actions, and looked at Zhao Wei.

Her hazel eyes met unknown silvery ones - attractive and sexy.

They reminded her of the moon, the stars, and an untamed storm.

There was surprise and curiosity in the woman's eyes as they assessed the indifference of the extremely handsome young man.

The woman then turned her attention to the old man standing beside the unknown adonis.

“Greetings Old Man Guan, I honestly didn't expect your arrival.” The beautiful woman addressed Old Man Guan with respect as she began to walk towards them.

She was like a vixen, tempting and full of seduction as subtle as it was.

“Haha, Pill Master Yun Yao, how have you been?” Old Man Guan returned the greeting.

‘Where have I heard the name ‘Yun’ from? Yun… Oh, she must be that princess's aunt who was only mentioned a few times before disappearing into obscurity.’ Zhao Wei rummaged through the recesses of his memories and finally came to a realization.

“Just a bit of this and that and…” Yun Yao answered with a breathtaking smile before she deliberately gazed at Zhao Wei.

Old Man Guan caught the message and hastily began to introduce his disciple.

“Meet my new disciple, Zhao Wei, an unpolished gem that could very well shake the foundation of the world of Alchemy.” Old Man Guan spoke vividly with satisfaction.

He seemed to be holding Zhao Wei in high regard.

Zhao Wei found it embarrassing to be praised like that but technically, Old Man Guan's words weren't just mere lies.

Yun Yao looked at Zhao Wei with doubts showing on her devastatingly beautiful face.

From the words “unpolished gem”, Yun Yao had already put two and two together.

Zhao Wei was probably a novice or he had yet to truly step into the Dao of Alchemy.

The young man looked younger than her niece, Yun Yao noted with wonder.

To receive such high-sounding praise from a respectable and experienced figure like Vice Head Guan, there was something certainly special about the young man.

Yun Yao decided to preserve her doubts for the time being and take a wait-and-see approach.

It was then that a funny idea cropped up in her mind.

“Old Man Guan, I hope you won't mind leaving the young man with me for a short period. He has piqued my curiosity.” Yun Yao proposed, her gleaming eyes never leaving Zhao Wei.

“This…” A troubled look formed on Old Man Guan's face.

He wondered what Yun Yao wanted to do with his dear disciple but seeing her puppy, persuasive facial expression, Old Man Guan gave in.

He decided to trust Yun Yao as he had known her for quite some time.

“Three days at max.” Old Man Guan gestured with three outstretched, fat fingers.

“Don't worry, Old Man Guan. Your disciple will be in safe hands.” Yun Yao smiled.

“Isn't that right, young man?” She asked Zhao Wei as if looking for some sort of assurance or was it sarcasm? Her voice was soft and pleasant capable of melting through the defenses of a man.

‘I am not looking for a Dao Partner. Fight the demons, Zhao Wei!’ Zhao Wei recited fervently inside his mind.

The woman was dangerous but he liked… dangerous.

Zhao Wei thought that it wouldn't be bad to use her as a means to temper his mind and Dao Heart.

“It will be a pleasure, Miss Yun Yao.” Zhao Wei mustered up one of his signature killer smiles which caught the vixen unprepared as she became lost for words for a few moments.

“You should address me as Pill Master Yun Yao.” Yun Yao warned with a stern expression on her face.

Old Man Guan felt awkward. The atmosphere didn't feel right but he couldn't put a finger on what was wrong.

He quickly excused himself and then left the two to their own devices.

After Old Man Guan left, Yun Yao's expression changed.

“Continue calling me Miss Yun Yao. It's been a long time since I was addressed as such.”

Zhao Wei was rendered speechless.

'This woman is truly a piece of work.’ He thought as he nodded.



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