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Within his ancient home, he lay on the ground. He was in slumber, subtly absorbing the geothermal radiations from the Earth's core.

His monstrous face was calm and content as he rested after eliminating both the male and female MUTO.

He didn't know how many years had passed since time was inconsequential to him. He had lived through numerous epochs to name a few.

The MUTOs had been a colossal pain in the ass but he had used everything in his arsenal to eliminate them. They were enemies - viruses - that needed to be purged off the face of the earth. In this primordial ecosystem, he was the judge, the executioner of all hostile titans that could possibly terraform his domain.

The earth was his to protect, it was his divine kingdom and he was god - more like its janitor.

Having lived for hundreds of millions of years, he had fought various types of troublesome foes and the MUTOs could be placed up there due to their long-standing racial rivalry.

They were his natural enemies and many from his line of species had been killed by them. They had been made into child-bearing incubators, mere energy suppliers to the future offsprings of the MUTOs. It was an eerie, dark fate.

He, Godzilla, hated it. He disdained any type of disturbance in the natural order.

After all, he was ORDER. He could sense the waves of Mother Earth and those bearing the bloodline of ancient species, Titans.

They were connected and he knew them far too well, especially those he had once fought and brought into line. It was not startling that enemies knew each other better than even friends.

In the Pacific Ocean, on an unknown island surrounded by unnatural perpetual storms, Godzilla could sense the one whose ancestors had shared an ancient rivalry with those of his species. It was a weak signal, almost negligible. He had long ago chosen to ignore it since the place seemed to be somehow well hidden.

All of a sudden, Godzilla opened one of his eyes. He had picked up something. An enemy to the world's ecosystem.

MUTOs. Images of those hateful creatures flashed inside his mind and supreme anger and animosity blazed in his ancient eyes.

But this time was different. The signals of the titan from the MUTO species seemed stronger than any he had ever encountered.

It gave off the same threat as an Alpha Titan, a dominant entity.

Godzilla didn't like that.

There could only be one dominator. Him.

A snort in the form of hot steam blitzed out of his nostrils as he fully awoke from his long slumber.

He was already well-rested and his energy bar filled. That was enough.

The enemy was super strong and he felt that he had to be at his best.

Godzilla walked out of his home and then began to rapidly swim towards the source of the animalistic screams, hundreds of miles away from him.

After an hour, Godzilla arrived at the coast of Tokyo and witnessed the MUTO destroying everything in her path.

Yap, a female. She was bigger, thicker, and muscular. Unlike him, she clearly skipped her leg days and concentrated more on arms and mewing.

Gosh, her two front arms were huge and solid, holding within them the power to cause seismic waves and induce earthquakes of the highest magnitude.

Japan’s seismic history was inferior to the MUTO’s power.

After all, she was MUTO Prime. Within her own species, she had evolved into something much more. She was the mother of all seismic disasters.


Godzilla roared at the enemy who dared to run rampant in his territory.

He was asserting his presence and dominance over the malicious MUTO.


MUTO Prime whipped her head towards Godzilla. She sought after him. His species was the most viable option.

They could only serve as the living incubators of her babies.

The world was meant for the MUTOs. It was her duty, her instincts, that led her to begin the mission to repopulate the MUTOs as the dominant species of Earth.

Godzilla would be the perfect vessel. He was just like the pitiful DAGON from ages ago.

MUTO Prime punched hard on the ground, specifically in the direction of Gojira.

The mighty punch caused the very earth to start collapsing on itself so quickly.

Godzilla jumped away from the range of the earthquake and from his dorsal spikes, blue energy began humming with agency.




Godzilla opened his mouth wide open and shot the [Atomic Breath] toward MUTO Prime.

Contrary to expectations, MUTO Prime had a pretty good defense that enabled her to tank the energy attack but the kinetic shockwave pushed her several distances away.

Even though she got pushed back, MUTO Prime didn't lose her balance as she used her frontal arms to support herself.

Seeing a chance, Godzilla didn't waste any time and in a matter of seconds, he was already within striking range.

He swung his tail at high speeds and like a mother's slap, his attack connected with MUTO Prime’s face.


MUTO Prime reeled back in momentary confusion while destroying a few tall buildings in the process.

Before she could regain her cool, Godzilla delivered a claw attack right on her face.

But he miscalculated. His claw attack instead of sending her into more muddle-headedness, it instead woke her up and MUTO Prime retaliated with a swing of its long, muscular arm that sent the King of the Monsters flying.

How tragic!



Godzilla grumbled in annoyance at the pain he was feeling from his clawed face.

The pain didn't matter but what irked him was the uno reverse from MUTO Prime.

She returned to him what he had initially given to her.

As Godzilla tried to raise himself from the ground, MUTO Prime sped up to him and shifted all of her weight on her arms to hold his “Living Incubator” down.


This was how it was supposed to be. His species were meant to always crawl beneath the MUTOs.

Godzilla knew his life was in danger and began powering up his next [Atomic Breath]. The time taken for the next attack was halved but still… MUTO Prime was faster.

Her experience after fighting numerous enemies of the Gojira species was rich. She opened her mouth and released a lethal sonic roar at point-blank that shattered some of Godzilla’s dorsal plates.

Godzilla’s [Atomic Breath] went off course as he grunted in agony while using his lifting strength to try to throw MUTO Prime from having a positional advantage.


Get off me, b*tch!

Luckily, Godzilla managed to push MUTO Prime's over 90, 000 tons of weight off him.

In the next few seconds, the two titans exchange multiple moves, pummeling each other, as they destroy everything around them.

Godzilla’s physical attacks didn't do much to MUTO Prime’s hard carapace but this wasn't the same for him as seen by the multiple bloody long cuts on his thick skin.

He was neither winning nor losing but soon, with how things were going, his loss seemed guaranteed unless…


MUTO Prime hoisted Godzilla into the sky with her powerful shoulders after managing to lock him in place with her forelimbs.

When Godzilla landed on the ground, he formed a huge crater and his injuries only escalated.


MUTO Prime released her arrow-like ovipositors in an attempt to inject her dose of little MUTOs into Godzilla.

Just as MUTO Prime was about to deliver the finishing blow, an eldritch howl of absoluteness and sovereignty rang out like an irresistible call all over the planet.

An otherworldly demon had arrived.

An Alpha among alphas!

A true apex predator atop other apex predators!

The world seemed to come to a complete halt due to his overwhelming presence.

It tried to reject him but it couldn't!

He defied the laws of reality!

For he was…

