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When I arrived at the fight scene, I was shocked by what I found.

What the heck?

So small.

The albino monkey was so small compared to the current me.

Then I looked at the mutated croc with features of a crocodile, warthog, an iguana and an Ankylosaurus.

Compared to George, Lizzie was much larger and longer. And she was thick.

I then alternated my gaze between the albino monkey and mother croc, wondering how the damned monkey was able to kill Lizzie.

George wouldn't have survived for long If it were not for the annoying intervention from a plot-armored human called Davis Okoye who seemed to have some kind of monkey fetish.

Um, now that was totally wrong. The dude was supposed to be a primatologist if I remember well.

How the hell could he have survived a three-way brawl among gigantic mutated freaks if it were not for the damned plot armor?

He was clearly injured with a bullet lodged in his lower abdomen but the dude was still running around like an Olympic gold medalist. Maybe he secretly has the Looney tunes physique?

Shit would have been funny.

I immediately released an alpha howl that carried an intimidating pressure to assert my presence.

Lizzie's reptilian eyes gazed at me as it roared back in retaliation as if I wasn't worth a dime.

She didn't give two Fs about my presence and thought that I was just parading myself like a fool before loudly roaring back with the same intimidation effect.

While Lizzie remained unfazed, George was clearly intimidated after seeing my entrance into the scene.

He didn't look too good after being constantly thrown around against buildings like a can of rubbish.

But it wasn't anything serious that could make him unable to defend himself.

The huge albino monkey wanted to survive and triumph instead of being killed.

Every living being sought to survive in terms of crisis and the need for survival and fear of death would push them to perform at their very best.

Not wanting to be outdone or continuing being afraid, the albino monkey began to pound its chest, declaring that it wouldn't be easily intimidated and it was royalty.

I didn't care about him as I glanced at Lizzie who was thoughtlessly crushing everything on her path to reach me.

I internally scoffed before jumping onto a building and began scaling its wall in an attempt to gain momentum and land on Lizzie's spiky back.

It was quite tasking as I had to keep an eye on both its counterattack and George's interference.

The biting force of a normal crocodile was already topping the charts of the animal kingdom but then what if we were talking about a rampaging mutated gigantic croc that defies logic? Just thinking about it was terrifying enough to bring chills on anyone's body.

There was no need to be overconfident and careless at this juncture even though SIZE mattered.

Lizzie was heavily armored but I knew of its weaknesses. They were its eyes, the ends of its jaw muscles, currently injured gill and its mouth-watering white underbelly.

After sorting my thoughts, I threw myself into the air before swiftly gliding down on Lizzie's back via my retractable wing membranes.


Lizzie was royally pissed by my blatant actions.

I dared to piggy ride her majestic back.

The protective spikes on its back didn't cause me damage and only served as sources of slight discomfort.

I extended my sharp silver claws as if I was the fucking wolverine before delivering a deadly swap on its injured gill openings.


Lizzie screeched in unimaginable pain as she started to shake me off her back and I looked like a bull rider struggling not to fall off the back of the ferocious bull.

She grinded her huge body against the glass building, intending to bury me into debris.

I grinned before digging deeper into her gill opening and started wreaking havoc inside. Almost instantly, I used my other paw to swiftly pierce one of her eyes and that's when I sensed the air trembling in fury.

Through my [Perfect Vision], I saw the huge club tail (Maybe bonk lived in the tail) descend toward me with a terrific force.

Before the bone-crashing attack could demolish me, I evaded it by jumping off its range.

'I dislike monkeys.' Through the corners of my eyes, I saw George running toward me with a metal spike in its hand.

With the momentum built up from running quickly, the albino monkey launched himself with a literal spear in his hand which aimed for my head.

'Juvenile and predictable.' I momentarily thought as I jumped away from George's attack which left behind a 10 meter radius crater.

At that moment when George's metal spike deeply embedded itself on the ground, I opened my mouth and shot at its exposed arm.

He was careless and the savage me ruthlessly bit down at his arm before ripping it whole out of his body.


A cry of bone-chilling pain pierced through the air as George fell on the ground due to the extremely heavy injury.

Large amounts of thick crimson red blood profusely spurted out of his perfectly munched off right arm like a magnificent faucet.

I didn't need to chew the appetizer and reluctantly swallowed it all in one gulp.

"George! No!"



Someone disrupted my hunt.

If it wasn't the one and only Davis Okoye.

'Why meddle in uncontrollable matters of nature, little human?'

'I will kill the monkey you cherish in front of you. After all, his death is necessary for my survival.'

I slowly walked toward George who was weakling applying pressure on the life-threatening injury where his right arm used to be.


A few grenades landed on my body only to cause no damage.

Those were the doings of Okoye.

I ignored him as I shifted my weight on my paw and firmly pressed the weak albino monkey on the ground.

"You damn wolf, over here!"

"Leave George the hell alone!"


Ah, what was futility?

I quickly bit off another arm and swallowed.

George's wails hadn't lost their intensity but his breath started weakening.



'For the love of… ugh!' I unhesitatingly opened my mouth and ravenously bit off George's head before loudly gulping in satisfaction.

Viscous monster blood continuously dripped off my foul mouth as I mockingly gazed back at the despair-filled human who couldn't believe what had just happened.

'Monkey brains taste… yummy.' Part of my monster-like consciousness considered such a thought.

I sensed Lizzie slowly dragging her heavy body from the rubbles.

I then saw Davis Okoye trying to run.

'No, no, no.' In one leap, I compressed his whole body with my paw like how a hydraulic compactor would flatten a vehicle.

That was the price he had to pay for disrupting my conquest.

I didn't think about him any longer since Lizzie was half-blindly rushing toward me with a bloodthirsty expression on her face.

'Let's end this.'

I was faster than Lizzie so the chances of her catching me off guard were pretty slim.

I quickly dodged her aggressive maws as she tried to chew me raw.

Maintaining a close combat with Lizzie was a risky approach but since I could outmaneuver her, I decided to play tango with death.


I dodged her biting jaws and delivered a strong claw at her last surviving eye. In one clean strike, I gouged her reptilian eyeball.

Lizzie then started rock 'n' rolling to a tuneless tune.

She exposed her white neck which gave me a chance to capitalize on it.


I immediately bit through her neck with an overwhelming ferocity as I ruthlessly tried to decapitate her head which weighed several tons of weight.

Blood sprayed everywhere as Lizzie tried to blindly resist my offensive move and shake me off.

I didn't barge even an inch as I lifted all of her weight, approximately 2000 metric tons, and performed a rough suplex in which I succeeded in tearing off all of her head.

I emerged victorious.

I became the only apex predator left in Rampage Universe.

I then howled at the approaching MOABs that were being prepared to strike at any surviving monster.

'Ah, the humans still think that they are the top dogs.'

I didn't bother with them and looked at the buffet prepared before me.

The corpses of those two were going to be quite beneficial for my growth.

But those guys up there were probably thinking about incinerating my sumptuous meals.

I couldn't allow that as I quickly began to feed on the monkey's corpse and finished it all within seconds.

After that, I ate Lizzie's head as dessert and when I was about to finish the whole damn thing.

A MOAB was dropped!



Within a mile, everything was incinerated into ashes but…

I remained standing and cursed out at the humans for depriving me of my meal only for them to send another MOAB right on my face.

How I wished I could fly!

I then rushed toward the lake and swam away to look for that 'wing' gene.

I could already predict the humans shifting the contingency to thermonuclear warheads.

They needed to be warned.



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