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The Genius Summit continued after that but it remained prosaic.

The fights just couldn't hold a candle against the previous battles of the goddesses and the legendary main characters of the show.

The rankings among the four great geniuses had been reshuffled with the introduction of new blood into play.

Zhao Wei was the first, Xin Wuheng dropped to the second position, Zhao Linglong painfully held the third position (His plan to challenge Xin Wuheng went down the drain after he disappeared) and Zhao Yufei comfortably completed the quadra-list.

Qiu Mengyu and Qiu Changyi were the only ones to be dethroned from their original positions.

How sad.

But it wasn't the end of the world.

Anyway, It honestly didn't take long before the curtains of the Genius Summit were closed.

The disciples from both the Xin and Zhao clans started their journey down the mountain.

Each one of them had different expressions on their faces, ranging from happiness, seriousness, contemplation, disappointment, worry, and sadness.

A lot had truly happened during the Genius Summit from the standpoint of everyone.

Among the Zhao Clan disciples, Zhao Feng slowly walked alone with a thoughtful look on his face.

He was too deep into the world of thoughts, his entire mind focused on an issue that had presented itself on the path of his life. The said issue also seemed capable of even hindering his future progress in cultivation.

Zhao Feng had seen enough during the Genius Summit.

There were certainly extraordinary individuals among the younger generation who were more brilliant than even him.

If he hadn't come into contact with a fate-altering opportunity in the form of an Ancient God Eye, his future prospects would have definitely been bleak. His existence would have been one to fade into obscurity and mediocrity.

Zhao Feng unconsciously gave his left eye a light touch.

The Ancient God Eye currently taking residence in his left eye socket was his lifeblood now. He and the Ancient God Eye were one with the other, a unique singular entity connected by the soul.

But Zhao Feng still didn't have a concrete understanding of the mysterious eye from ancient times.

He just had an instinctual feeling that the Ancient God Eye was going to elevate him to inconceivable heights as he steadily continued to arduously grow stronger.

Before the Genius Summit, Zhao Feng had been determined to try his very best and stand out among the various talented youths from the three clans.

And ever since Zhao Feng had gotten the Ancient God Eye, he had been having blurry dreams of a greater world outside Sun Feather City.

He honestly couldn't understand the meaning of it all but that had only fueled his resolve of wanting to explore what lay beyond.

His vision had been renewed.

But… but…

Why did he have to be in the same generation as someone like Zhao Wei? A bastard with illogical levels of comprehension!


And it hadn't been Zhao Wei alone, there had also been someone from the Xin Clan called Xin Wuheng whose skills and comprehension abilities were greater than many but still not as monstrous as the "Martial God".

The "Martial God" was a nickname that had been circulating around the disciples even before the Summit's conclusion.

Zhao Wei was inevitably the only one to be associated with such a pompous title due to his unnatural affinity with martial arts.

Zhao Feng would be lying to himself if he didn't feel slight envy and jealousy toward Zhao Wei's success. His negative feelings had only been negated by the presence of the Ancient God Eye that reminded him of a future brighter than all of the youngsters from Sun Feather City.

His limelight may have been stolen by both Zhao Wei and Zhao Yufei whose ages were roughly the same as his but that didn't mean that he, Zhao Feng, was going to continue existing in their dark shadows.

He didn't want to forever be subservient to Zhao Wei's glory and brilliance.

Zhao Feng wanted his own tale forged from his life's experience. He didn't want his tale to be within someone's tale. It was a disgrace to someone of his caliber.

There were just so many mysteries surrounding God's Spiritual Eye.

"The Ancient is broken." Zhao Feng vividly remembered the words of the mysterious ancient voice that had emanated from the depths of the God Eye dimension.

"To continue my bloodline of the Eye, you will rule over everyone and control the ten thousand races. All shall submit when you awaken!"

Those prophetic words (cause that's how he subconsciously perceived them) had been a motivating factor for him to turn his mediocre life around.

It had filled him with steely resolve (subject to breakage from a bully named Zhao Wei) to bulldoze through setbacks and whatnot.

But that still wasn't enough when you have Zhao Wei clowning around the younger generation.

'I have an innate talent better than him. I can feel it inside of me. The changes that have been happening in my body are perfect examples.' Zhao Wei had a hidden smirk on his mouth.

'He's only meant to rot in this hellhole even if he has higher levels of comprehension than everyone. He won't escape the limitations of his innate talent.'

Zhao Feng was sure about that since he had used his supervision and analytical abilities of his Left Eye to secretly profile Zhao Wei.

And what he had found made him realize that Zhao Wei wasn't special.

For the betterment of his psychological welfare, Zhao Feng felt that he needn't compare himself to Zhao Wei lest he barricaded his own improvement.

In his honest opinion, the latent talent inside Zhao Yufei was scaling higher than Zhao Wei's.

'So his words during the clan's sparring contest hadn't been mere lies.'

Zhao Feng gazed at the splendor of the moon and after some time, redirected his gaze to the almost limitless Sky Cloud Forest and beyond.

From his vantage point, he could see it all with his Left God Eye.

'Zhao Wei and I can't just coexist. I should leave Sun Feather City and search for my own destiny.'

'I refuse to be caged.' A green glow intensified in the pupil of his left eye.

That fateful night Zhao Feng decided to search for greener pastures since the ones in Sun Feather City were going to experience drought sooner than later.

Under the telltale chirping sounds of the cicadas and hooting of the big-eyed owls that chose to violate the tranquility of the night, Zhao Feng sought the uncharted, changing the course of his life and fate.

His existence was but a mere droplet in the Grand River of Destiny but Zhao Feng's Left Ancient God Eye slightly made bubbles in it.

Zhao Feng vanished completely, his fellow clan members unaware of his disappearance as they engaged in animated conversations.

But someone had seen him.

A look of fascination and anticipation was evident in that person's deep abyssal eyes

'I can hear the unmistakable flapping of the butterfly's wings.'

'Why seek the rain when you can easily be comfortable under my umbrella, O Zhao Feng?' Zhao Wei thought in derision and amusement.

Zhao Wei then stood up from his seat, making him the last Zhao Clan member to leave the pavilion.

"Ah, the few minutes of sleep have been quite refreshing." Light sarcasm dripped from his low voice.

A discerning look then manifested on his ordinary face as he gazed over the horizon.

"Cultivation is a journey of self-discovery that I am humbly taking part in. So you have also decided to revitalize your own worth and eternal glory, my friend."

Zhao Wei then put his hands behind his back, giving him an air of majesty and unspoken confidence.

"May we never meet again." Then he started slowly descending the rocky mountain.

But someone 'respectfully' blocked his path.

"Brother Wei, what do you think about accompanying me to a relaxing meal under the veil of this promising night?"

A sultry voice full of seduction, admiration, and hidden 'greed' followed.

Like a piece being played from the Celestial Jade Chambers, it descended to the realm of mortals and captivated everyone who heard it.

'Honey. Trap?' A playful glint shone in Zhao Wei's pupils as he looked at the supposed most beautiful woman in Sun Feather City.

'I could smell the cliche from miles away but I ain't gonna fold, bitch. Because... I have unlimited… willpower!' A profound smile formed on his lips as he curtly nodded in reply.



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