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'I am part of a pack!'

'I am a wolf now, awoo!'

'No shit, sherlock.'

My mind was a jumble of messy thoughts as I stared intensely at the gray wolf before me. Its dog-like face mirrored my own confusion and disorientation.

A flash of concern was also creeping in its fierce yellow eyes.

"Are you okay, mate?" It honestly felt as if he was asking me such a question.

"It's nothing really." I growled while shaking my head and it was then that I remembered that I was no longer human.

And I couldn't talk.

The random gray wolf before me probably wondered if I was going nuts as it tentatively walked towards me with its muzzle in the air. It sniffed once and then continuing with its line of action.

Let's call him, Bob. Yes, Bob it is. I can't keep calling him random gray wolf.

Bob finally reached where I was standing and started sniffing me, totally ignoring the meaning of personal space.

I felt as if I had suddenly been violated. I have never allowed people to get close to me like this.

I growled in retaliation and warned Bob to keep its distance and respect my boundaries.

Bob let out a displeased whine, and a sharp canine became exposed on the left side of its mouth.

'Why is it acting as if we had been friends or something?' I thought in wonder. The concept of friendship even in my past life was something that I didn't see any need for. So my views on friendship was based off my own observations and curiosity towards human nature.

I bet you remember my antisocial bullcrap of an intro, right?

I honestly didn't understand animals, much less their psychology. There were an unpredictable bunch, especially the predators found in any ecosystem.

I didn't have any memories of the predecessor, wait…

'That's right. I still haven't received any knowledge of the place I was transmigrated to. Did I totally disperse the predecessor's soul and memories to total erasure or is the expected effect just experiencing some sort of delay?' I pondered while intently staring at my quite large paws.

This was the juncture where I was supposed to have the memories of the previous owner of the body.

As if reacting to my puzzlement, a razor-sharp pain pierced through my mind and very soul.

It felt like a cosmic supernova had exploded right inside my brain, sending jolts of pain all over my body.

My legs gave in as I dropped belly flat on the ground before crazily trying to claw my way through my furred wolfish head.

I was in total distress and Bob rushed to nudge my sides, wondering what the hell was happening to me.

'Why are animals so caring than even humans? I don't understand why you would care about someone in distress, Bob? I am probably not your family or kin. Then why? Why are you so concerned about a piece of 'golden trash' like me?' Amidst the despair-inducing pain, such confused thoughts struggled to make their way inside my tormented mind.

I didn't understand the concept of caring for each other. I didn't give a shit about other people for all I care. To me, they were nuisances even my own father who joined the list as I gradually aged and experienced more of the world and its rottenness.

I was so self-absorbed to care about anyone. In my own bubble, such concepts that are normally seen a positive light couldn't coexist with the vocabularies in my personal dictionary.

I may have had a likeable face but my inside was darker than black. That was also one of the reasons why I hadn't allowed anyone close.

In a world of irredeemable scums, I was among them. Just like them. Animals were better. They showed you their true colors without withholding anything back.

If they didn't like you, they bite you and if they like you, then you have a friend for life. Just like how loyal a dog can be.

I must have been quite close to Bob here for him to act like that. In my previous life, nobody would have bothered with you if you had suddenly drop in the middle of the streets of a metropolitan area.

The dark side of humanity was one that I paid more attention to. I was accustomed to it.

People would rather watch you suffer and film your misery instead of extending a helping hand.

I have little to no hope for humanity.

"I am foolish to dwell on humanity when I am no longer part of it. Though my soul remains human, can I still be called one?" I writhed and squirmed incessantly on the ground, resembling a deranged patient in a mental asylum.

I wondered if what I was experiencing was a masterpiece of the primordial douche.

I bet the guy could really amplify the overall sensitivity of my pain receptors, just for the kicks.

Or maybe I was just overthinking like always do.

After what felt like an eternal loop of hell, by sheer luck the pain gradually started subsiding.

Then little by little, foreign memories started sinking deep into my cerebrum.

They were the memories of my predecessor.

"Ah, I understand now." I struggled to lift myself off the ground with what little willpower I had, only to collapse back down like a bag of potatoes.

Bob growled with concern, using its shoulder to help support my wobbly state. Even though his frame was smaller than mine, the guy really had terrifying power coursing through his veins.

I growled back in warning for him to back off or else I would bite. Hard and mercilessly.

I hated vulnerability. To show weakness to others brought bad taste to my palate. Once consumed by extreme individualism, there was no going back. I was one of them, independents.

Alas, Bob seemed like the type to ignore warnings. A reckless savage.

A hardheaded buffoon.

He effectively used his shoulder muscles to support my almost limp body as I also struggled to maintain my ego and dignity due to the sudden episode of vulnerability. It was as if he knew I didn't have the energy to go through with my childish threats.

'Fuck pain. Fuck soul merging.'

'Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck it!' A string of profanities echoed in my mind since I could no longer talk like I used.

I looked at Bob, not knowing how to react effectively to this new side of goodness.

I released a reluctant growl of gratitude and it felt foreign to me even if I could no longer use human speech to express it.

When did I, Soobin, ever become humble and grateful?

"My human self would have preferred to endure hardships alone rather than involving my parents or relatives in my personal life."

"Who would have imagined that my prideful ass would receive assistance from a fellow being of my kind?"

From the memories of the predecessor, it was evident that Bob and I shared a special relationship and a shared past

We had once been part of a thriving pack but the death of the Alpha and his mate, followed by scarcity of prey in our territory had caused the deaths of most wolves in the pack of twelve due to hunger. The old and withered were the most affected but the others had perished from both hunger and a strange disease that finalized the chapter of our pack's existence.

Bob and I were the last men standing, I mean, last survivors.

This had forced us to work together when hunting and share the little we had like real bros that have experienced life and death together.

Fortunately, our migration eventually led us to integrate with another pack. The Alpha recognized us as valuable additions due to our impressive size and effective hunting skills.

However, the process of integration was far from seamless. We encountered resistance from certain pack members who were hesitant to accept newcomers. Despite the challenges, the unwavering dominance of the Alpha ensured our place within the pack remained secure.

Looking at this specific memory made me think if the unnatural act of the Alpha had been a ploy by the NatGeo World's film board.

Had the shit been scripted and the Alpha's name scribbled on a fat pay roll?

Also, it was kind of repulsing, my inner heart disdained the warmth of true comradeship. I had too much negativities at the epicenter of my existence - the soul and mind. The darkness in me didn't want to coexist with the light and goodness of nature.

Bob was a kind yet fierce soul.

He was a good hunting buddy.

My predecessor was also a good friend to him.

But I wasn't my predecessor.


Is it allowed for me to have a true and worthy, non-human friend?

Am I gradually being subjected to a series of character development?

And where the hell had I been yeeted to?!



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