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So I have indeed started the next Exhibitions, one featuring Hannah and one featuring Celeste. The Hannah one specifically made me think "This needs to be a Silent Story", but in the end its still just photos and no plot, which is what Exhibitions are supposed to be. Then I got this idea: What if you could extend the photoshoots? Yes, you!

Starting... soon... I will be adding a button to each page for the Exhibitions that will let you all 'Crowd Source' more photos. It will work in the same way the Voting works where you all chip in to get a story bumped up the queue (and that system works too well, almost). You'll be able to chip in Coins until a threshold is reached, then that will tell me to add a new photo (of my own choosing, mind you). 

So if you want more of Rebecca in the bar, you'll be able to let me know by throwing Coins my way! I'll be adding this feature once the new Exhibitions are in place.


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