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I have an idea of adding the possibility of "Buying a Character", but I don't fully know what that means yet. I'm open to any ideas you might have as to what that means and how it could change the website based on who you "own".



AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust)

My first thought was "oh, a more particular Custom Story thingy". Thinking more on it, it could be like a Character Pack - where you get all the stories said character is involved in. Then there's the Patreon-Tier-Where-You-Get-To-Name/Create-A-Character-In-The-Next-Story type stuff.


To get all the stories for, say Rebecca, would be a steep cost, and that cost would change as she has many more stories. I think what it could end up being is more like discounts on their Cards, and options for them to be on the site more, like "Rebecca themed" website.