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Hi there JVC! Downloaded your Amusing Herself story as soon as it was out and I can finally give my opinions! First off these are quality renders as usual -Tiffany looks super sexy and busty as ever! I especially loved the parts where she is pulling her clone out of a mirror , very adorable. And the way her sexual fantasies escalated was done very well -I liked that we got to the good part with the wild Tiffany clone orgy in a short amount of time. My favorite scenes from the orgy were 081, 103-105 (the trio of Tiffanys fingering themselves was so HAWT!) and of course 120 with the Tiffanys spilling over the balcony. The biggest flaw I found was that the intro could have been trimmed down -the cloning action starts around 50 and that is already almost halfway of the total image size (128). So next time I would really like to see more clone scenes instead of the story setup. But I can see why you did it because Tiffany is still a character and it's a nice slice of life scene before she starts caving in to her sexual cloning fantasies :) Overall exceeded my expectations and can't wait for more clone art from you!