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The Descent.


Zachary Brown

Well Jaycifer did himself say that Vi was a believer of action over words, and there isn’t much better action that using your body to break their fall. Hopefully that makes Vi take a big step twords trusting Jaycifer here.


“I don’t need you to protect me!” the girl reflexively shot back. Ah yes, indeed you don't need protection. Would like to go back out into the oil pit and have a brief swim. I'm sure the giant kraken will only give you a couple of times. Nothing to concern yourself with. Jesus, I know trauma can make people dumb but. You literally just got done seeing a horrid creature of the deep on top of falling a ridiculous height through a ridiculous amount of trash. Get over yourself 😅


I'm picturing a Kraken sized Dianoga (trash monster from star wars ep IV) mixed with a shogoth. Which, considering said monsters are potentially force sensitive, would work here.


Hopefully Ekko is not gone in the wind and won’t show up till years later thinking he was the cause of their death. You have a Worm story for that kind of stuff.