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Look at the first picture. Do you see the Hand Bill on top? That is your rare download for today! 

Here is the history of this interesting never released Sunsoft Game:

Do you remember my Lionex gaming historica post? That was at the start in January and you can find it by search Lionex on front page. Why this is important? Because Lionex was a game that only was made for Nintendo's Vs. System arcade and then never actually release. 

Wings of Madoola/Madūra no Tsubasa was actually release on the Famicom by Sunsoft but there was a Vs. System version also made.... and also never released! The owner of the only Vs. System version of Wings of Madoola has not allow the game for emulation. So for now we can only see the pictures and in Part Two some video of this rare treasure! There are some version differences with the arcade and Famicom version that I will give some detail about in part two.

But  you can also download the special Vs. System hand bill for this game to go with your Lionex download! 🤗 Yes same with Lionex, Wings of Madoola also had a hand bill made to advertising the release. And then it never came out.

You can download the full high resolution flyer below!
