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Hello everyone,

this is a public preview of the new restaurant area.

Some more details and possible ideas for the future have already been revealed in my patreon post some days ago.

In this post, I will explain how things are going to work and how tehy are integrated with the other parts of the game.

Let's start with the overview restaurant image (first picture).
If you click on a girl, you will only have some of the actions available now. For others, you will have to have a seat at the girl's table.
After some inital greetings (picture two), the options for all girls that are sharing teh table with you will come up (third picture).
You can listen to chat and rumors, focus on one of the girls, or leave the table.

Once you focus on a girl, the view changes and you have different options now for that specific girl (picture four).
You can compliment her, do any of the "intimate actions" (the ones missing in the image are not programmed just yet).
You can shift your focus to another girl, not focus on anyone specific, to see all girls at the table, or leave the table.

For some of the actions, you will both stand up before the action is executed. Others are done while you remain seated.

A ton of new images and overlays (all in full 4K) have been rendered to make the restaurant a much nicer place than before.

I hope you have as much fun looking at the preview as I had creating the new renders and functions.

Take care,



Ted Cogley

still looks amazing and cant wait to see more


Sounds great. And Sara is looking so nice there! ^^


Wow. Alice with higher quality rendering looks fantastic! :D


I think I just dropped my fork under the table. I'll be right back ...


If you can imagin it, its possible....soooo lets work hard, get smart and buy a iseland...get some genetic engineering experts...and boom...profit...and maybe a brocken di*k xD Still love your game! ^^

Mr. Phoenyxx

Ohhh! Ahhhh! (other impressed sounds) :P


I will take table1 sitting next to Sugerti... sorry... Amy thank you !! lol. looking good Mr Darkhound!

Monsieur X

Very nice!


Is it intended that special girls, like Joy or the M+M's can join a table too? With the girl specific actions now only available when a girl is in focus that could be simpeler than in the old setup. I am saying simpeler, not simple. but in the old setup you basically had to provide the cartesion product of actions and girls that made it prohibitive to add girls.

Scott Guy

Must...restrain...myself...until...release...of new update, that is!


Some special girls will visit the restaurant, but not all of them. Actions and necessary renders are no different from the old setup. An action is available for a girl if the renders are available. No changes here. The buttons for not supported actions are either hidden or crossed out, same as before. Four additional renders are needed for each girl/outfit combo to make the restaurant useable. So in the end, the costs for new girls are even higher than before.


Thanks for the public preview and all the detailed explanations. Looks like this is going to be exciting!


Looks simply marvelous. It reminds me of a restaurant I ate at in the Bahamas