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Hello my dear patrons,

since some time now, the game has used three tiers to give you an idea about a character's importance in the game. These tiers were simply called tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3.

This logic will be replaced by something that better fits the vision of the game and how it will move forward into the future. The change to named tiers will better represent the meaning of a tier and should so be less confusing for the player.

In the future all characters will belong to a tier and not only the resort guests. This includes special characters and staff members.

Characters can be assigned a different tier as the game continues to mature, to better reflect their standing within the current game development. These tier changes will not be very frequent though.

Here is the list of the new named tiers and their meaning:

  • Unique --> This tier is reserved for the girls that have a uniquely large amount of content and who will continue to get a lot of new content in the future. Girls who belong to this tier will also be uniquely qualified to get new content and new game logic first.
  • Main --> Girls belonging to this tier will play a major role in future game development. Most of them already have a large amount of content, but it's not a necessary requirement to be a member of this tier.
  • Regular --> Everyone belonging to this tier will get regular updates on scenes, events and appointments. Just not with the frequency and size of Main or Unique characters. A regular girl can also play a key role in a quest.
  • Side --> This tier is the home of the characters that will not play a major role in future game development. They will still get an occasional update or a new scene, but don't expect a lot of new content for them.
  • Complete --> All girls belonging to this group will no longer get content updates beside what is necessary for the game to function properly. They can get quality updates or rerenders of existing scenes if I consider it necessary to uphold the quality standard of the game.

Reasons why certain characters get a different tier than you migh thave expected:

  • Delizia is no longer in the list of resort guests, so she's missing from the screenshot above. She belong to tier "side", which makes her a side staff character.
  • Ivy will be promoted to regular resort guest. The reason for this step is that she is a character that allows for certain funny scenes that are not possible with other characters. To  be able to fully enjoy her in the future, she will be replaced by a new but similar enough Ivy. This new Ivy will be better looking and will also be using state of the art assets. The Ivy we have right now will be removed from the game to  be replaced by a new Ivy character.
  • Natasha will become a side resort guest and will be phased out eventually. There are a couple of reasons for this step.
    As an early version of a colored skin character, her assets are no longer up to current standards. There is no way to fix this without changing her too much and having to recreate all her content.
    She will still see the current content (e.g. Hotshots) and her quest line finished. After that, she will be retired to tier "complete".
    There is also some good news for the busty dark skin lovers out there. After Natasha's phase out, a new girl that fulfills all the criteria for a state of the art dark skinned busty girl will be introduced as an additional resort guest.
  • Faye will become a regular resort guest. The reason for this step is that she is the only girl, that is still using a mix of custom and very old Victoria 4 skin textures, which makes her extremely expensive and time consuming to render and post work. Worse, it also means she no longer supports any newer adult scene assets, because they are incompatible.
    Faye has done really well, beyond expectations. But will leave active development as she completes her remaining tasks. It is not something that will happen tomorrow, but should be seen as a mid term plan.
    Combined with Natasha’s situation this will leave a gap in the super busty class of girls. Therefore a new girl is planned that will take her place on the island. But it will take some time to select and refine a girl of that class.

Take care and stay healthy.




Aww, my lovely Faye.. But i still have Aly (?) and Yvette? :) And jennifer and Yumiko and.. Ah. I´m sure it will be good, the new thing.


I was kinda hoping that Aly would by a main girl. Also, as a lover of huge mommy mammaries really sad to see two of the bustiest girls getting phased out. Hope we can actually get a good replacement for both. Would actually love to see two new girls to replace them just to even the odds.

Bknight 08

No not Faye and natasha those are my favorites hopefully the new natasha will be even more busty I like the super busy girls but nothing wrong with going bigger


Thank you for the comment. Faye will not be gone. She will still be available just like she is now :)


Much easier to see who is who and what their role is now. Really good change there. Explains a ton of things in one go. Also good to see that there will be a transfer period and there are important development reasons for the changes. Staff role, much better tiers and info, new girls lining up. Future looking good. Oh and a new hot Ivy. I'll drink to that.


Two new very busty girls will be added. The dark skinned girl has already been created. I have some ideas for a new girl to take Faye's role in the future. But she hasn't been created yet.


The decission wasn't an easy one for me. But since I can spend my time only once and with regard to the vision of where the game is headed in the future, I had to make these decissions. The girl that will follow in Natasha's footsteps will most likely be revealed after the next game update has been released.


Eva just regular 😭 my one and only! (All the love for Amy as unique though ❤️)

Monsieur X

"This new Ivy will be better looking and will also be using state of the art assets." "new girl that fulfills all the criteria for a state of the art dark skinned busty girl will be introduced as an additional resort guest" Cool !


With Eva's current tier 2 placement, she fits right into the new regular tier. Eva also is a kind of unique character with her looks and a bit bitchy attitude. So there is no risk of her being retired any time soon.


Thanks. You won't be disapointed with Ivy's replacement and I'm pretty sure you will like the new dark skinned girl too :)

Bknight 08

Will the natasha replacement be even more busy than the old natasha also is there a risk of the ne ivy losing any of her Amazonia charm I.E. height and musculature can't help it I like the big muscles that's why I love the twins but not twins


Since Ivy is replaced by "Ivy", it seems almost 100% certain to assume she will be a tall, big and muscled girl (as she'd need to fit all Ivy's roles and scenes). Whether she is Ivy-Ivy large, dunno, but pretty sure we are getting modern Ivy.


I may have my preferences/disappointments about the tiers of girls (any day now Aly and Yumiko will get promoted to unique, right? :D) but mostly I'm happy with anything that gets you motivated to keep working on the game. It's been my favorite Ren'py game for a while now and I don't see that changing. Thanks for everything!


The flack you get for even suggesting relegating or diminishing the content for any of the girls, just goes to show how well you have done in creating attractive and compelling women characters. ♥ ( . Y . )


I'm going to miss Natasha but I'll can't wait to see the new chocolate bombshell.

Scott Guy

Since Natasha and Faye are being phased out, does that mean they will no longer be available on our phone too? I admit it's nice to relive some of their scenes once in a while. I still haven't gotten Natasha's last sext message and would love to know how to access it please. At least, before she's taken away.


Except for Ivy's replacement, none of the existing content will be deleted. Once a girl has is moved to tier "complete", what I have written above for this point is applied. You will still be able to invite these girls to the island.


Thank you for your support and understanding. You can still play with Natasha and enjoy the scenes with her.


Thank you so much for your support. I think I can promise that the new girls and things will make content and the game even better.


Quick summary of phased out (Phased out) means a girl will stop seeing new content/development as time passes. She will still be in the game, same for all her content. The named tiers are the setup going forward, they govern the future. Also contrary to the old, they are dynamic and will change over time as game development advances. The old content is not affected.


Those are really interesting news. As for phasing Natasha out it hurts quite a bit, the vote to get her in was quite exciting. But then again, she somehow suffered under the circumstance that she was always a bit in between; never as busty as Faye, not too much going on for her beside the BE-Parts. At least that's how I perceived her. Still, the exit of Natasha and Ivy is a hard one, I was always fond of their updates. On the other hand, a new big-boobed goddess for the Island? And a dark skinned busty one? I like the sound of that. Do you have already an idead of how busty you want to make them? Thanks for all your work and dedication!


A replacement (updated) Ivy I can handle. Removing Faye and Natasha? You wound me sir!! Touch Aly and its pistols at dawn knave!!! :)


Ivy is being replaced by "herself", another Ivy, and have advanced to the next tier. Hard to do better than that, exit is probably the last thing on her mind :)


No one said anything about removing Natasha or Faye. They won't be removed, no worries.


Ah, I see. I was mistaken. Well never mind then. Good show old fellow! Cherrio, pip pip, and all that. (whispers) He better steer clear of Aly (/whispers) :)

Holly R

I was a bit disappointed to see the only two dark-skinned girls be relegated to 'side' characters, but understand that there will be someone new taking Natasha's place, so that's promising. Any chance a new girl might have a big ass? (eg. Minaj, Megan Thee Stallion, etc) I know it's not your normal aesthetic, but the girls on Holiday Island certainly are no stranger to outrageous curves :) I've always felt Faye could carry one well...so if her model needed to be completely redone with new tech...well... As for Ivy...I do hope new Ivy retains that powerful Amazon presence...loved the variety she brought to the Island.


Disappointed about the news regarding Natasha. You say that she wont be removed but phased out. What is the difference. Will we still be able to access saved scenes with her?


(Phased out) means a girl will stop seeing new content/development as time passes. Once done, she will move to status complete. She will still be in the game, same for all her content and behave as she always has. And of course the new girl will enter, so you'll end up with two busty black girls in the end.


Since Ivy is replaced by "Ivy", it is safe to assume she will be a tall, big and muscled girl (as she'd need to fit all of classic Ivy's roles and scenes). And of course she keeps her name, so she'll look like her too.


Shame to see Renee in the side category, personally in my top 3


Renee was "side" before the change too. So she is doing no better or worse than before. Same result for most girls, so neither was she favored nor disadvantaged. But of course all girls have their fans hoping for more, that's only natural.


I think this all makes sense to me. This game has been going for years now and no doubt the technology has come on since you started. You have to organise future development in a way that maximises the return on your work and minimises what might feel like wasted or unnecessary effort on your part. Also you have to keep it fun for you in the process, so that you continue to enjoy the project. Whatever my personal feelings on the individual girls and their rankings, I want to say that for what it's worth I understand and support this change. Thanks again for this wonderful game and may you continue to enjoy developing it for years to come :)


Thank you very much for the kind words. Much appreciated. I will try my best to keep the game going and to make it fun to play for all of you as well.

The Dub

I used the cheats while playing holiday island, the game crashed and now i cant open it anymore. I tried deleting and reinstalling and still not working. any solutions for me?


You probably have a corrupted persistent file in your user data. Navigate to this folder and delete the file named "persistent". You need to enable viewing hidden files to do so. C:\Users\"yourusername"\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Island-1499865023 If you copied the save games from your old game folder to the new one, you also need to delete the file named "persistent" in your holiday island save folder. After that the game should work again.


Whooot? New girl in the super busty class???? #excited!