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Hi guys and gals,

the first bug fix update for beta has been released.

This is an update for the version beta (PC, Mac, Linux only).
The update works on version for PC, Mac and Linux.
In case you are new to the game, you need to download one of the main game files for version  (PC, Mac, Linux) from the links on my main patreon page:

Save games from 0.0.8 alpha and later versions should still be working. Older saves are no longer supported. Some saves might still not load. Sorry for that, but there is nothing I can do about it.

Please download the update to (PC, Mac, Linux) from one of these links:

To apply the update, please extract all files from the zip archive to the folder where you installed the full game. Overwrite all files when asked.
For Mac users, please navigate to the folder structure:
Inside you find the folder named "game". Copy the content of zip file into the "autorun" folder from above.

Please check this post to get information about bugs that have been fixed since



This update contains the companion mod. Can you release a version without it?


Is there a version with the companion mod coming?


You can download the companion mode from the link in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/companion-mod-0-37189272 It's working for 0.3.x as well.


Hey guys does this update have new content or is it only bug fixes


hi darkhound love the game. i have only been playin g for a week or so and i just put the update in for windows. now the game will not load up at all will not open a window full stop can u help?


Could either be your antivirus falsely flagging the HI exe as dangerous, or you have a corrupted persistent file in your user data, or your graphic card driver is outdated. If the antivirus is not the problem, navigate to this folder and delete the file named "persistent". You need to enable viewing hidden files to do so. C:\Users\"yourusername"\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Island-1499865023 If this doesn't work, update the driver of your graphic card.

Simon Gt

Hi Darkhound. I love your game. In this realese is already available Dr. Daniela and Sara or they are in the next realese? Thanks


They are both included already. You need to play at least until day 45 to trigger the twisted ankle event at the beach to go down to the lan.

Alex Selesnick

Hey I extract the into . but I don't think any of the new stuff is there


Hey I’m enjoying the game but for some reason tab and control won’t skip anymore. The game will quickly flash skip and then not do it


Sorry, but I've never heard about this problem before. Also the skipping is a basic renpy feature and nothing I have any control over.


A little obscure on this one. Amy invites me to dinner at 9PM. Then also wins the butt contest and invites me to dinner at 8PM. After the sex activity which takes us to 10 PM, she sends me a message that I didn't show up for the 9PM dinner. I expected this to happen and would suggest that the easy code fix would be for her not to attend a contest the same day she sends a dinner invite.


The thing is that I won't start fixing individual problems. This needs a general/generic fix for all of these situations. Otherwise there will always be a circumstance that hasn't been thought of. Once I have some time and an idea for a general fix, I will fix it. At the moment it's still rare enough and although it doesn't make sense, it's also not a big problem.