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You can post your game related questions and bug reports for 0.2.3.x beta here and I will try to answer/fix them whenever I have time.  

You can download the current version of the game from my main patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/darkhound1
or from this post:

Bug list:

  • Appointments for tomorrow might lead to getting a message that you missed the appointment, even though this is not true and the appointment is still some time into the future --> will be fixed with bug fix 1 (or get the quickfix file player.rpyc attached to this post and copy it to your <holiday island>/game/ folder)
  • When a sexting is send, game might crash with error: local variable 'll_images' referenced before assignment --> will be fixed with bug fix 1  (or get the quickfix file characters.rpyc attached to this post and copy it to your <holiday island>/game/ folder)
  • When you open a message with a picture attached, that has been created before 0.2.3 you get a crash: AttributeError: 'cl_message' object has no attribute 'images' --> will be fixed with bug fix 1 (no quick fix possible, will be fixed during the save game update phase)
  • Before you get the upgraded room, if you ask Jessica for a pole dance in the night bar, when she rejects your offer her closeup image stays on the screen --> will be fixed with bug fix 1 (to make it go away in the meantime, hug or kiss a girl)
  • Jennifer sends a message with an empty text after the photo shooting with Alice --> will be fixed with bug fix 1



mabye instead of maybe during Amy's repeatable armwrestling bar event.


Don't worry about it, I will find the cause and fix it for the next update. Just need a little peace and quiet after getting the update out :)


Day 5 at the pool with Brenda at 11:00 AM. she notices me looking at her breasts and states that, " I do have E cups and they're considered big almost everywhere. *smirks*" However there is no graphic to go with it. Only a grey checkerboard pattern with a large black square in the top left corner.

Mitch Hansen

Does the Nemod app work with this release? ... Loaded it into game folder and the game won't load... I might have done it wrong...


If you got the current companion mod from my patreon page, then yes, it works with the current version. You can get it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/companion-mod-0-37189272


Thanks for letting me know. it only happens when she's not wearing her skimpy swimsuit. I have fixed it. Will be part of the next update.


If you have two appointments back to back, like one at 13:00 and one at 14:00, at 13:00 the 1-hour popup for the 14:00 appointment will override the go to now popup for the 13:00 appointment.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script.rpy", line 589, in File "game/player.rpy", line 1372, in check_appointment_missed AttributeError: 'cl_player' object has no attribute 'appointments_missed' -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/script.rpyc", line 553, in script �X?�����-7K�[���?|?��?�7�í?|�?&gt;��� �?�?��R�{��?�X?�m?�??� �oW��q�w9�{��} �??�n??�?����)���C�??|;��G�o��7οC�}l�k?|�D�:��3�ɧ?r�?�g?r� File "C:\Users\Phil\Documents\MEGAsync Downloads\HolidayIsland-\HolidayIsland-\renpy\ast.py", line 1832, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "C:\Users\Phil\Documents\MEGAsync Downloads\HolidayIsland-\HolidayIsland-\renpy\python.py", line 2059, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "C:\Users\Phil\Documents\MEGAsync Downloads\HolidayIsland-\HolidayIsland-\renpy\python.py", line 2052, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/script.rpy", line 589, in File "game/player.rpy", line 1372, in check_appointment_missed AttributeError: 'cl_player' object has no attribute 'appointments_missed' Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Holiday Island Wed Oct 07 07:42:48 2020


You had an error during the save game updater phase and just clicked ignore. If you do this, all kinds of problems will occur. Open the console and run the save game update manually: call version_updates_0230() If this doesn't work, your save game cannot be used any more.


Thanks for the info and the easy to follow explanation. I have fixed it. Will be part of the next update.


Minor typos - When playing poker with Yumiko, she says "Let me peal of my stockings" should be PEEL OFF.


Not sure if this has been reported but I've been experiencing a bug where if I plan an event for the next day (i.e. Office visit with Joy or visiting Jennifer at her room for the try on clothing event) when the day starts I get a "You missed your appointment with me message" and the girls anger gauge goes up. As an example: Spoke with Jennifer at the night bar and initiated the visit her in her room the next day to see her clothing designs. Slept for the night and when the schedule was built Jennifer gained anger points and sent me a text saying I missed the appointment even though it was 07:00 and the appointment wasn't till 11:00. Tried to back track thinking I had to do it the night before and still nothing. Eventually took the anger points and still had the appointment at 11.


It has been reported already. That's why I made the list above ;) After doing some checking, I don't think it has anything to do with next day or not. I can't replicate it in any case. No matter what I try, with new appointments there are no problems. EDIT: Okay, have been able to replicate teh problem. I have fixed it. It will be part of the next update. What I found out is that an appointment that has been done earlier today already when you load a save from 0.2.2.x will make the girl you had this appointment with to send the missed appointment message. This should be a one time thing. If it happens again later on, there must be something else going on which I haven't been able to replicate yet.


Before you get the upgraded room, if you ask Jessica for a pole dance in the night bar, when she rejects your offer her closeup image stays on the screen blocking all other characters. She stays on the screen regardless even if you move to another location.


Thanks for letting me know. I fixed it. It will be part of the next update. To make it go away in your game, hug, fondle or kiss a girl.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/loc_pool.rpy", line 766, in NameError: name 'l_inclination' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "C:\Users\alpha\Desktop\Patreon\HolidayIsland-\renpy\bootstrap.py", line 316, in bootstrap renpy.main.main() File "C:\Users\alpha\Desktop\Patreon\HolidayIsland-\renpy\main.py", line 578, in main run(restart) File "C:\Users\alpha\Desktop\Patreon\HolidayIsland-\renpy\main.py", line 143, in run renpy.execution.run_context(True) File "C:\Users\alpha\Desktop\Patreon\HolidayIsland-\renpy\execution.py", line 908, in run_context context.run() File "game/script.rpyc", line 1060, in script call File "game/loc_pool.rpyc", line 109, in script call �?�)��??ԝ����\�{7��ӽƾ�?^c_�L�q�h� ^�K�?Ux�!�ml�O?�RZ��M`g�?��?Mb�9B?ޗ?M��:�Z�or??x37K&amp;?+ʅ4�?�?\��???�],}�?N�%�?�K�Lw�������?�u��Y���?�K� �8O?�2gyv �˽�m�+�n�??*�)�$?�����͞;aګ�=_#�js�?���N-P�?F�?�kI&gt;?���#T�?�d��?s�q#��I��y�B���lմ��??�D�囝�~?�Kv+��Պ&gt;V� �??��R�M0�??)ȝ&lt;?�˖��mύ�!�~����T� �~"���Z��`�?���?edşt�J�ê��?��Q��^I��?�$-����qk��?���T�O,?&gt;?8���v%�i���ɧ&lt;�u��2q?{�X���.�;{��`�?�w�T?i�(?�����2A{E��2T�F?o���/��-�66�'���?�@�A?Z4����(̂��l?�?�ײ��뮶��N�?Dޛ&amp;ο�u�??��X��`�;ά??�+Y������%�}\��⒆�qIŭ����:�?�W:M�?�]��?�|� ��L�H�-=z� ?iß2&gt;m�HkI�{޳"m�&gt;C?~Ӡm�"�?&lt;�_Z·�_���'���++*�?Ķ���?$�$��+��~l^o?�V��$�m��h�����_?�|�,�#� )����?��Ҧ��-VG�X߈��[�Xmo�v��j?f6�?%� ��'???N}cp�G���D�~��ڟ^��?8-Z��I~q�����_�+�o�+��ʓ?�?�?$6,`��kB�?�G���tFx? �+�G�V��?�S"�^���??H��[�I&lt;|@oO&amp;��p��o קҼ�?d?cq?�ʓB|??�Τ?؈����� File "game/loc_pool.rpyc", line 766, in script Gc��@�?R�i�ЋS(�v4x?��?F�#�XG� File "game/script.rpyc", line 1060, in script call File "game/loc_pool.rpyc", line 109, in script call �?�)��??ԝ����\�{7��ӽƾ�?^c_�L�q�h� ^�K�?Ux�!�ml�O?�RZ��M`g�?��?Mb�9B?ޗ?M��:�Z�or??x37K&amp;?+ʅ4�?�?\��???�],}�?N�%�?�K�Lw�������?�u��Y���?�K� �8O?�2gyv �˽�m�+�n�??*�)�$?�����͞;aګ�=_#�js�?���N-P�?F�?�kI&gt;?���#T�?�d��?s�q#��I��y�B���lմ��??�D�囝�~?�Kv+��Պ&gt;V� �??��R�M0�??)ȝ&lt;?�˖��mύ�!�~����T� �~"���Z��`�?���?edşt�J�ê��?��Q��^I��?�$-����qk��?���T�O,?&gt;?8���v%�i���ɧ&lt;�u��2q?{�X���.�;{��`�?�w�T?i�(?�����2A{E��2T�F?o���/��-�66�'���?�@�A?Z4����(̂��l?�?�ײ��뮶��N�?Dޛ&amp;ο�u�??��X��`�;ά??�+Y������%�}\��⒆�qIŭ����:�?�W:M�?�]��?�|� ��L�H�-=z� ?iß2&gt;m�HkI�{޳"m�&gt;C?~Ӡm�"�?&lt;�_Z·�_���'���++*�?Ķ���?$�$��+��~l^o?�V��$�m��h�����_?�|�,�#� )����?��Ҧ��-VG�X߈��[�Xmo�v��j?f6�?%� ��'???N}cp�G���D�~��ڟ^��?8-Z��I~q�����_�+�o�+��ʓ?�?�?$6,`��kB�?�G���tFx? �+�G�V��?�S"�^���??H��[�I&lt;|@oO&amp;��p��o קҼ�?d?cq?�ʓB|??�Τ?؈����� File "game/loc_pool.rpyc", line 766, in script Gc��@�?R�i�ЋS(�v4x?��?F�#�XG� File "C:\Users\alpha\Desktop\Patreon\HolidayIsland-\renpy\ast.py", line 914, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "C:\Users\alpha\Desktop\Patreon\HolidayIsland-\renpy\python.py", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/loc_pool.rpy", line 766, in NameError: name 'l_inclination' is not defined Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Holiday Island Fri Oct 09 00:59:42 2020


Try to ignore the error. If that doesn't work, try to roll back until the start of the scene. If that doesn't work either, the save game cannot be used any more. There is nothing I can do.


After completing the photo shooting session with Alice, I received an empty message from Jennifer. The message did contain her image in the red top, but no text. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/uw2b07


Please note. v2.3.2 has been released. This post is now deprecated, get your updated from the v2.3.2 release post.


HI There, new Patreon and this is no bug. I love the game and it is done very beautifully. Is there any way I may help you speeding things up? Rendering images or whatsoever. Let me know.