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Hello everyone!

I wanted to let you know, that I my rendering PC got a  GPU (graphic card) upgrade.
Tests have shown, that rendering with the new hardware is about 1.7 times faster compared to my old setup.

Since this information alone would be a bit boring as a post, I have added a short story about Lacey as well.

Before some of you start asking - I don't have a release date yet for 0.2.2, but as you can see in the development news, I'm working on the last appointment that will be included. So it shouldn't be too long before pre beta testing. 

Stay healthy and enjoy Lacey's short story.



Red Claw

As Lacey being my favourite Guest, I really her second needing a content upgrade. :D

Monsieur X

Boobs growth, nice. Fast click and it's a gif :)


I like it, funny story. By the way, have you planned to get some new sexy scenes with Joy soon? I love her. Keep your good work, i really love the game.

Monsieur X

Which card did you buy ? The Gigabyte RTX 2080Ti on the picture ?


Like the story, I agree with Lacey big boobs on her small frame is too much ;-)


I like Lacey as she is. More, much more content would be welcomed.


Smallest girl, biggest card, obvious and harmless joke, good summer fun. Congrats on the upgrade. Nothing is worse than watching that render convergence number increase to 100%. Getting it there 1.7 times faster is a boon for sure.


I'll take Lacey content any way I can get it.


Just wanted to give her a little love while writing the news about the gpu update :)


A Gigabyte RTX 2080 super, they look the same. The Ti version is not worth it. The performance gain is minimal at a huge price premium. I also don't need the additional 3GB GPU memory.


Yes, it really is. It was more of a joke. Just a funny little story snipet. she won't be changed in game :)


Thank you for the encouraging comment :) Since I had most of the renders for a new Joy scene already done, it will be part of 0.2.2 - I'm working on it right now.

Ted Cogley

I think lacey look better with her upgrade. But that's just my thoughts maybe a small upgrade in the game as a option be cool, but you have to do things to get it and maybe have a fail or successed option with it.


The challenge with changing any of the 15 "normal" girls in a permanent manner is that they have a large percentage of sandbox content (their character busts, location images, location actions etc). So changing a girl permanently require another image with the change to be made. Content would need to be duplicated to some extent. This duplication is manual, which is to say rendering another static image, as Ren'Py does not have a graphics engine. Lacey would have a multiplicator close to 2x as far as I can tell, so she'd cost around 200 additional renders (about 40-50 hours of work) just at her current content. Changing temporary and within an event is different ex. Natasha at the gym. or for a girl with little content to replicate or no sandbox content ex. the specials. Anyways, just some info I picked up over time (and also why huge game such as HI rarely changes the girls) :-)


Always a nice feeling to upgrade the station. Gratz.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Congrats on the upgrade! :)


Thanks :) I got only 1, since the next generation of GPU's is not far out. Will take soem months for Daz/Iray support, but if the performance gain is another+50%, it's worth the wait.


Oooooo. Pretty. 3 fans, nice. What's the model and specs on that bad boy.


Congrats. I can't help feeling that Joy would approve of both upgrades :)