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Hello my friends,

here is a preview for you, that clearly shows how cool reaxling at the pool can be.
I'm pretty sure our little vixen has her fun too.

If you look closely at the picture, you can probably imagine what might happen...

Enjoy the preview,




Relaxing by the beach with a blond bombshell in your lap. the dream.

Monsieur X

My theory : Yvette will be catapulted in the pool by the release of a tremendous amount of kinetic energy caused by MC boner.


Yvette Hype

Ted Cogley

I always love Yvette . maybe you need to end the game with a Harem wedding LOL


Yvette is so nice we should clone her, then everything she does would happen twice ;)

Ted Cogley

maybe have Yvette of a twin sister name like Vikky or something like that


Ted Cogley raises a good point. Having the models' sisters (or cousins, etc.) visit HI would certainly add an interesting twist to the game. Of course, the difficulty-level of adding visitors might be prohibitive. I'm not trying to tell you your business - just a suggestion only.... By the way, sex-scenes with Yumiko the bartender, pretty-please?


When I first started playing this game, some of my favorite scenes to work for was to be able to "rub the lotion on the sideboobs" at the pool. If you ever decide to update these images, maybe there could be a logic change where if the model's stats are high enough, they don't look as upset. Or, even better, have a variation similar to Yvette.