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Hello guys and gals,

this is a preview of Aly's "hot" scene after playing Hot Shots with her.

I selected this image on purpose to not give away too much of the scene.
Well, it looks like she's really into it :)

There will also be a small quest to get her a suitable outfit. The outfit will also be her fourth evening outfit which she can wear at the night bar and for other actions as well.

Enjoy the preview,




Yes! More outfits!


I don't know what that expression on her face means. I guess it'll become more clear when I play 0.1.6.


Wonderful! More Aly and more outfits.. Can´t wait! ;) I hope those huge boobs come to great use!


Nice, cannot wait for this Hot Shop to be in game to play with Aly's wonderful assets! \o/

BRZ driver

hey I'm on vacation this week, you can have it ready for me right. just kidding would be killer to have the week off and have Aly.


Haha, you can check the latest development news for the status on the update :) It's a little less than half way done right now.


Looking forward to it! I've yet to finish Hot Shots without either my player or the girl getting 100% drunk and having it end that way, but I keep trying


Try to keep it balanced and maybe even lose on purpose. Also don't make her strip too early.


I've had sex of some form with most of the girls. with Aly, the best I can do is craddle my head between her boobs after I trip over her shoes. Is sex possible yet or will that be at a later update. I did help her win all three trophies she wanted.


You can get a tifuck and a blowjob as a "hot scene" after the hotshot game. There is no vaginal sex yet if you mean that.


No, that's fine. I was worried that I was missing something as so far I haven't been able to find anything up to this point. The hot shots game is frustrating. Amy always passes out on me.


Hmm really? Amy should not be that hard, because she has a high base attractiveness and high endurance. Play against her when your and her lust is high and it should be quite easy. Endurance and weight determine how fast the girl gets drunk. Lust determines how fast the heat rises.