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Hello everyone,

I've updated the image/video score card for all the girls, based on the current 0.1.5 content. Ivy will get some additonal renders before the release of 0.1.5, but not many. So the chart is pretty accurate.

You need to know that Yvette is the "zero point" for the image deviations.  So all deviation values are in relation to Yvette's score. Numbers greater zero mean the girl has too many images compared to her score. Numbers below zero mean that the girl needs more images.

What can we see in this chart?

  • Let's start with the value right down: 736 What does it mean? Since it's kind od a total deviation, It means that Yvette needs a lot more images (96) to be average in relation to her poll score. Why 96? Because if I add 96 to her score, the total deviation is almost 0.
  • Amy, Eva, Alice and Desire have too many images. Really a lot too many on Amy. This is very much related to her being one of the first three Hotshot game girls and the rework of her dinner scene. You can see that her score (595) is higher than Yvette's. But she has less images than Yvette, but a lot more videos. This is also related to her newer content that tends to have more videos.
  • Heather, Jennifer, Joy and Yumiko need more images. This will even be more prominent when Yvette gets a higher image score. With the special girls (Jennifer, Joy, Yumiko) it's very hard to impossible to keep them even. I try to do it, but they will always trail a bit behind.

What does it mean for future releases?

  • I'm already working on Yvette's dinner appointment, that has about 40 images right now and is far from finished. It's going to be a really long scene.
  • Yvette and Heather will be the next girls that get the Hotshots game renders. including the "hot" scene or scenes, it's about 30 renders per girl.
  • Heather will get some additonal content in the next release (after 0.1.5) as well. What exactly is still open. I'll probably put it to a 10$+ patron vote to decide it.
  • These points more or less cover the next release, when I include some smaller missing stuff as well (e.g. a gym scene).
  • So after that everything is possible, since all girl's will be more or less even enough (except for Amy who will get a little break). So you can expect some more votes on content after that.

What about all the collected ideas and half finished stuff?

  • Unfortunately I can't do everything at the same time. I still have so many ideas and unfinished stuff floating around, that I will make a better list of ideas and what's to come, to organize it better.
  • The boat trip, Jennifers's conclusion to her transformation story, Natahsa's breast expansion story,... just to name a few are not forgotten. I will pick them up one by one and finish them.
  • Some of the more or less abandoned ideas (like the pool with the 7 places for girls) took a lot of time without any result. I'm sorry for that. But in a creative environment, it's bound to happen that you "work for the bin" sometimes.

Take care and thanks for reading,




It's awesome that you not only do the excellent work, but that you break it down for us like you do also. I'm a big fan of this! I appreciate all the hard work, and look forward to things eventually evening out a bit. Apparently I'm in the minority, but aside from Amy, the girls with the higher scores (Alice, Eva and Desire) are not my favorites, while the ones I like the most (Aly, Natasha, Jennifer, Lacey) are on the bottom. Either way, I'm eager to see what's new.


I'm glad to hear that Yvette is the standard for where you think all the girls ought to be. That's setting a high bar!


I hope Heather will get her poses at the pool scene. We saw 1 image a few months ago that teased the whole scene, so I'd like to see that, especially with her needing more content.


>jessica in 4th Hell yeah


Natasha... breast expansion? Jeez she wont even fit on the screen. 😂


Delizia bringing up the rear again... So disappointed in my fellow Holiday Island fans.


Already in the game. Is what happens during her night gym. I guess this is the quest to explain why it happens


Thx for the update. But when will you release it? Do you have scedule for this too?


What can I say, she's on place 15 content wise, but was place 18 in the polls. So it's not that bad considering.


It's always in the latest development news (which is updated every few days). It has info on all the content and on the release date (if there is any known) - it's 11/03/2019 <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/version-0-1-5-08-24037257">https://www.patreon.com/posts/version-0-1-5-08-24037257</a>


Haha, it was more like an explanation how the deviation values are calculated. The relative content is still valid. So the low tier girls will never have the same amount of content Yvette has,


Thanks for the comment :) Aly, Natasha and jennifer are not really at the bottom. They are in the middle of the group, which means they also have a lot of content.


thx for the update :)


I've already told my boss that I'll be "working" from home on that date. :)


Wow, that´s soon, nice! Poor little Aly, I look forward to the day we get some really hardcore stuff with her and her babies.. ;)


Today is the day that, barring any unforeseen circumstances, 0.1.5 should be released. Anyone else besides me feel like the night before Christmas? LOL! Best game online I've seen. Thanks, Darkhound !


Thanks a lot, had to fix another bug after I had already packed and uploaded it all. So it's gonna be another hour.