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Hello my friends!

These are some ingame image of a new minigame that will be added with 0.1.5 beta.
It's about guessing which one of the girls is in the picture.

The minigame can be activated and deactivated in the night bar talking to Yumiko. Once active, she will send you messages with partially visible pictures. You have to guess which one of the girls is in the picture.

Right now there is no reward or anything, but I plan on adding something in that regard. There might also be different levels of difficulty added later on. Could be less girls to select from or also bigger preview areas.
The coding has been done in a way, that makes it super easy to add new minigame pictures.

A lot of the code and the idea is from Wilson of Nice Erotica, who is also the creator of the companion mod for Holiday Island.
So Wilson if you read this - here is a big THANK YOU!

Please visit his page and have a look at his companion mod for yourself:  https://www.patreon.com/niceerotica

Enjoy the preview!





Sound intressting.


Thanks. It's fun, I've tried it myself and even I only get every third one right - lol. It's probably too hard right now. But there is still some time to do something about that before it's released :)


I'm voting for more sex type scenes with yamiko as a reward. :)


Nice idea! Yeah, has to be some kind of reward lol...although some might say the image is a reward in and of itself.


I like this idea. Maybe get some company favor for the right answer. Right now there aren't enough ways to earn that. I also think the price for picture frames in the new room is pretty steep.


Both of these ideas. The picture added to your library and company favor for a right answer.


Right now the images are all reused. I will create some new ones when I have the time. This will make it even more interesting to get them.


This could be an interesting addition to the game. Makes you pay a little more attention. Will this be kept to girls currently on the island or is the entire roster in the mix?


The game is played for all girls, even Joy, Jennifer and Yumiko herself :) I've added some special images now as well, that can only be accessed playing the picture minigame. And you will earn company favor now for every correct answer.