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Hi guys and gals!

This is probably the last preview image before the release of 0.1.4 beta.
You can kinda thank pmsrw3 for the image, since he suggested to have some sexting pictures for Joy :)
You can also thank the supplier of my new GPU, because the render wouldn't have been possible with my old one :D

It's one of the three Joy sexting images I've created so far. At least the one you see will be available for the game in 0.1.4, since it's kinda related to the new player room.

If I have some time and ideas, I will include the other two as well.

I'm still writing (and rendering) Jennifer's transformation story. It's getting longer and longer... There are 1.280 lines of code and text right now with 60 renders. So my previous estimate of 2/3 already done was way off.
At least I have the complete story finished inside my head now and I mainly need to write it down and maybe add some missing renders, but most are done now.
Then I need to finish Faye's night bar scene, which is almost done as well.
I probably won't be able to finish all that and the testing this week end. But the release is not too far off now. Very latest  20. january. If all goes well probably earlier.

Until then, take care and enjoy Joy's image (pun intended!)




Looking great and thanks for the update and glad you got a new CPU. :)


Awesome work. Cant wait for the update.


Awesome! Danke.


Thanks! I got a new GPU (as in graphic card), not CPU (as in main processor).


The real question is who is taking all these wonderful sexting photos. That's another Holiday Island mystery :)


Dave the Dirty Gardener is taking these pics, I tells ya!


What GPU did you get?


The initial plan was to get a RTX 2080ti. But unfortunately they still haven't fixed all the problems with the new DDR 6 memory. And you still need to use a Daz beta version for the RTX cards. So instead I went for a gtx 1070ti. It's faster than a gtx 1080 and uses a lot less power, thanks to the newer cores. Further updates will require a new PC now.


So the girls have fun taking each other's pictures while I'm away...I have to improve my sneaking abilities!


Hi Darkhound. I am back as a Patron.


what is the latest update now?


Joy in the hot tub....the title says it all.......


You can always get the latest version from the main page. It's still 0.1.3, but I'm uploading 0.1.4 as I write this.