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Hi guys and gals,

I wanted to show you what I've been working on, although it will take a while to finish it.

What you see is a new player room, one that you will be able to move into at a certain point in the game. How exactly you will be able to get it, I haven't decided yet.

First I wanted to see if I can make it work. It seems possible, but it is not as easy as I thought. It might also provide the opportunity to be able to use the "H" key to hide the interface, without hiding the background image (the girls you can click on are another problem, since they are part of the "interface").

So what exactly are the plans for the new player room:

  • What you see is not 1 image, but 7 images + the interface. Why 7 images? Well, background, 3 picture frames and 3 images inside the picture frames. You will be able to select, zoom and position the images you want to display in your room using your image display app from your phone. the room will not have the images when you get it. But you will be able to "buy" up to 3 of them. Brightness adjustemts are also planned to give you the best possible view for the three images.
  • You will get an outside Jacuzzi on your large balcony
  • You will get a sound system and a TV and you will be able to listen to music or watch TV
  • You can go to your balcony and check the great view. This will give me the opportunity for new "spy on girls" events and scenes.
  • I will find a way to keep the old and the new room at the same time, since a lot of scenes are in the MC's old room. Maybe with a door to move from one to the other. Not 100% sure how to do it yet.
  • The girls could also get a second set of poker images for the new player room. There will be a lot more space and furniture, which means more options to pose etc. So it won't be limited to just the bed.

Nothing is final yet, not even the room design. As of now it's just expermimental.

Here is the room without the interface:

I hope you like the ideas.





Nice!! :D


I like!


Okay, great thanks :) I was hoping for a little more input. But nice is better than you don't like it, I guess.


Nice work Drakhound, i like.!


Damm if it was vr ready I move in today fantastic 😀


Hmm. It occurs to me that it might be a little awkward to entertain Eva (for instance) in my room if I have huge sexy pictures of Amy, Jessica, and Yvette on the wall. Maybe there should be a curtain that can be drawn over the pics when I have a visitor?


You are right :) Good idea. A curtain that can be opened and closed? Or maybe digital frames that can be changed with a remote. So if the "wrong" girl visits, why not display a nice lake or a forest instead of the girls :D


A fantastic improvement indeed! There's enough room for everuthing you can imagine: a stripping pole for lap dance poker rewards, a pool table (playing strip pool with the girls?), watch some tv with them, or watch two girls together (super poker reward?). I agree about the background pictures, you can set them up depending on wich girl visits your room, or if you're alone. Keep up the awesome work!


Very interesting. More options is always nice


You just like to work, don't you! This is a wonderful idea. Now when you jack off you can have those images in the frames and shoot the scene over the shoulder of the MC! Less dick in pic that way! HA!


What if the 'pictures' are of girls that have posed for you? I think there are what about 6 or 7 that have posed so far; Amy, Alice, Faye, Yvette, Ivy, Jessica, Aly, might have missed one. Their pics of them posing can be on the wall and a bonus or reward scene can be more posing with extras. Also opens up the quest(s) of getting the other girls to initially pose too before they get an invite to the special room. Curtain or remote switch to change the pics and woe if you forget as the girl's anger would be off the charts. Regardless, whatever you come up with will be outstanding I'm sure.


Seems really ambitious. The girls-in-the-interface issue wouldn't cause hiccups with the rest of the game, would it? It seems like this could substantially increase the size and complexity of the game for you as the Dev.


Nothing like that. First of all, the pictures are only in the new player room. All it takes is an interface to crop and resize "any" image and store the values. Since there already is the app to view the images, it needs to be enhanced to be able to crop and resize and store that for frame/picture 1,2 or 3. Basically that's all it takes. Getting all the crop, position and scale values right will probably be hell though.


Woooaaahh... and soil all the nice pictures 😁 Sometimes when I have an idea, I just cannot stop myself.


Maybe Joy gives you a special keycard to get into the penthouse (maybe needed for the elevator, too). This would be a room on top of the hotel. Then you could schedule appointments with the girls there. Play poker with them there, etc.


I love new concepts. I worry that story features are being left out. We now have Jennifer, Natasha, and Eva's breast growth stories as a thing. It seems to hint that Joy will be coming back to explain/elaborate too? The MC dick grows too (which I love). IDK just a concerned patron.


It's not one or the other. It just will take some more time to continue with the story part. As much as I would like to do it all, there is never enough time. Sometimes when I have an idea, I cannot get it out of my head and I have to follow through with it. That was the case with new player room. It took a lot of coding and testing, but it's working now. There will be some new renders for actions in the player room as well.


Amazing game. Not sure why it's so addictive but definitely the BEST 3d dating sim out there. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to new content!


Thanks a lot buddy. I will post some more previews soon. I've added a pole, but I will keep the bool table for the night bar. I think it's better suited there. There is a huge TV and a nice sofa to sit on too :)


Thank you very much :) It makes me very happy that you like the game so much.


Thanks buddy. You will be able to select any of the pictures you can see in the achievements.


I realize of course that it is picture frames, but I rather enjoy the interaction between the room and the girls. It looks like Amy is going to trip over that couch. She is looking at Yvette instead of where she is walking. Which is fine, I'd look at Yvette too. In fact, I am. It took me an hour to realize that Jessica was to the left :)