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As you can see from the image. Having a drink with some of the girls will be available in version 0.0.7alpha.

I don't want to spoil too much, so this is going to be the only preview image for the scene.




Darn it!!! A simple "like" is not enough. Imagine that I just pressed the like button.. Say a 100 times or so!!! 🤣


Haha, thank you. I'm sure you will love the new scenes. I already do, even though I just started rendering :)


Holy fuck, I adore Amy so much! Pretty pumped to see all those new scenes! Btw: will be ever be able to talk to the barkeeper? She's a real hottie too

Jason Kershner

Good thing the bar isn't open all night. I'd be having a drink with each and every single girl! I hope you don't render any hangover scenes for the main character. :D Amy is unbelievably stunning!


Actually... Getting hung over the day after a long evening in the bar... Would be a cool game effect. Imagine <favorite girl=""> that come to your room to check on you 😉</favorite>


Still need a lot of renders. Just started with the drink scene. Don't know yet about the barkeeper.


Hey! First of all, happy new year to you and your family! Glad to see that holidays also brought inspiration, and some time to work on this amazing game! Can't wait to play the next version! I'm sure that having a drink with the girls will open a lot of possibilities : )


Looks like there will be a lot of new content, even tough this was billed as mainly a gameplay release. Great!


Thanks. I will always try to add some new content as well. Just adding "under the hood" stuff won't make everyone happy. And I like rendering as well :) So it's kind of a win win.


Thank you. All the best to you and yours too. I will make sure that drinking with the girls will be a lot of fun :)


She looks so awesome! I really can't wait to see where this goes....


Wow... those two i would love to have them in my hands... i mean those two glasses of scotch...


Hi darkhound1, I like to thank you for your exceptionally great work. Its like I missing the words for praising it. Holiday Island is in my TOP3, and it may be already the TOP ONE, if I take the potentials and your future plans into account. The game is exceptional and outstanding in many aspects: Graphics, gameplay, creative ideas, almost bugfree (in my experience) and many more. Still there are some points of possible fine-tuning to make it even better. I like to support you later on with some tips. Go on with that great work, and thanks.


when upload next version?


Happy you like the game. Feel free to write what you would like to have. or changed. If I like it I might even add/change it :)


Amazing art and an amazing game. Would like to suggest that having a backstory to each girl would add a lot more depth and erotica to the game. Backstories like; currently married, religious beliefs, step-family member, gullible girl, broken nemesis, converted lesbian. Just small dialogue changes really that will open up opportunities for more scenes.


About half of the girls have a background story and personality already. I try to keep their reactions in the game fitting with that. You can see the in some of the scenes already. E.g. Yvette is more the shy type and Amy is used to getting what she wants, or she just takes it :)


Thanks for the heads up, I’ll get back to reading :) you are doing great work, please excuse my ignorance. Looking forward to future updates!