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Ruddy Full

Wow, I'm really impressed by the creativity here. Very high concept idea with a nice amount of detail put on the location, posing, and character design. Something about this reminds me of a DBD finishing move animation, although thankfully no one died as a result of this curse, haha. It's very moody with the music and night setting, but I'm afraid it almost veers into being hard to see. I confess I don't know how difficult it'd be to add a light source via some lanterns, a shaft of moonlight, or a conveniently angled flashlight, but they'd have helped a lot. Still, I commend you once again for your inventiveness and technical know-how!

Chunk Cake Factory

Yeah when it gets into the darker ones it appears good enough to see on the computer but then on phones and other devices it becomes darker, depending on screen brightness, etc, Too bright and it takes away from them being in a dark room that is creepy, Since it's October been working on a few that have dark scenes, So I will try to make sure it's not too dark.