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Image configuration options that you might not know would help make your life a LITTLE bit easier.

Big changes are:

- JPG vs PNG. Personal decision. JPG compression is amazing, where PNG is heavy duty data consumption when you deal with 10,000's of files. If lossless is important to you I'd stick with PNG.

- Images filename pattern. Instead of having your prompt data leak into your file naming scheme, make sure you mask your prompts with this pattern: [seed]-[model_name]-[width]x[height] . I have found that this is a really good descriptive way to navigate at a file hierarchy, while at the same time being discrete about the contents./

- Directory nam pattern. Organizing a bunch of generations is hard if you have dozens of models you try. Try this: [date]/[model_name] . Give you day by day breakdown, model by model. A pretty good compromise to a heavily customized directory setup.


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