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Welcome to June 2023 Character polls!

** Vote window has ended **

1. Cammy

2. Mirko

3. Yoruichi

4. Android 18

Here's the list of characters that I thought might be fun to draw for this month! I've narrowed down the number of characters so I have a more specific plan for each character and also to make the vote not too spread out.

I don't have any concrete plan or theme for this month so will just draw the usual, but I might experiment with different painting aspect ratios (like landscape etc) so I can try more poses.. will see how it goes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

The poll will be open for 7 days ( Or when the majority have voted ), and I will draw the Top 3 most voted. Don't forget to vote for your character! ╰(▔∀▔)╯

May 2023 Reward Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10NQ-napqqTJ67tqrTef3GhQMdmS2SwzE?usp=sharing



Update : I will reserve 1 slot for Cammy cus she's so fuckin hot. So for this poll if there's a tie in 3rd place I will pick them randomly !


There just isn’t enough android 18 love these days 😔


lolll theres few days left and more ppl to vote ! maybe she will get voted more lol