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Welcome back to those that are still here! Thank you for another month of support and let's get February started off with a beat drop featuring LoL's DJ Sona for Mr. Smith.

As for updates on tiers, there is an opening for the bust (BT) tier. And for the new OO tier, the positions for the rotation will lock starting on Monday the 14th. Anyone else who joins after the deadline will be at the end of the line. As of now the positioning for rotation is:

Fialla Cuthail

The winning damsels for this month will be the Titan's Raven and Bioshock Infinite's Elizabeth Comstock! Now as I already have solid ideas for both damsels, for Elizabeth, I was debating on going very light on variants (mainly just gvgs) and putting that focus into a grand multi-Elizabeth in different bindings scene. To keep in line with BSI multiverse lore. Let me know what you folks think.



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