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Yo, I'd like to know your thoughts on what you think about my current work and my posting consistency. Since July, I've been trying to post more, and of course, this might mean less time to focus on improving the quality even further. I'd really appreciate hearing your thoughts on this – any feedback is welcome.



I think the rate is quite nice, not too rushed nor too slow, quality is good and if anything I just like when there are variants to the characters outside their normal selves, Dresses, Office clothes, maid costumes and the like. keep up the good work

jonas 5000

i think if you are satisfied with the quality, your supporters would probably be satisfied as well. i think the pacing of 1 work every 2 days is quite alright. but i'm not gonna lie, the one post per day for weeks on straight was pretty exciting XD. Whether of the two should ultimately be your call - if you feel like posting everyday one week, then every other day the next week cause of quality or some other issues, then so be it. Brav i want to ask, is your 10$ membership limited? cause lets say 12 months from now your number of 10 dollar supporters grows to 60, that would be 2 requests per day for everyday of the month.


For certain characters and projects, I can be more flexible and complete them quickly, even within a day. I'm currently trying to offer 40-50 images for $10 because I have a new laptop that allows me to create some extra images. However, the quality isn't the same as when I use Colab, which is where I usually work on the images. In certain weeks, I might be able to post daily if there's a high demand for orders. Regarding the $10 order limit, there could be a limit if it reaches a point where I can't manage to create so many characters in a month. But until that happens, I will update the subscription by removing this benefit from the description and marking it as closed. When supporters leave my Patreon, I'll reopen this benefit in the subscription. There will always be a maximum limit, like 10-15 orders per month, depending on the situation.