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Juan L

This anime is very entertaining 😂


Madison needs a channel where she reads the manga verion after the anime to compare. Reader to reader.


This episode was funny as hell OPM it’s one of the best animes out there 👌🏻


Did one punch man save him in the first episode??? 8:02

Joey Dolga

Just suggesting if you switch whatever you are watching on it might have the subtitles for when a symbol appears, just so you don't have to explain to her what it says, it was just always funny reading them and with watching dub, but I understand if you are comfortable where you are, just a suggestion , I will be watching no matter what and it is still funny and good.

Jason H

I think the whole reason the hero foundation was created was because of Saitama. He saved that kid 3ish yrs ago who had a big double chin and his father in the picture also has a big double chin. So Saitama's actions years ago must've inspired the father of the kid to create the foundation


Me still waiting on a season 3 trailer


This episode always gives me My Hero Academia vibes with the whole hero association thing. I know Madison would love MHA lol.

Darren Metts

From the moment he is tells saitama to take the fight serious and until the inner monologue of geno when he cplains how incredible saitama is and then they show that massive canyon he created was just flawlessly displayed and written chefs kiss

Darren Metts

15:55 I will never not get major chills and such the like from seeing this scene