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The End


I'm still going to keep making short Jacob and Taylor stuff around other projects before eventually making SYLB3, they've become such a big part of my work and they've had such a good reception from everyone I wouldn't want them to disappear for too long. Next I'm just looking forward to making some new comics with some ideas I've had for a while now, which I'd like to keep shorter at around 20 - 30 pages. I've really enjoyed making a longer term story with this one but making some shorter ones means more variety. Next up is finishing the Amber comic, and I'd also like to make a cover for SYLB2. Future stuff will be announced after that :)






Always love happy ending:) I hope I get a happy ending 😒


YESS!!! I’m so glad they ended up together!! Woooo!! So hot!




Beautiful! Please make a sequel of them being in a relationship


Yay! What a nice ending. Excited for your new comic ideas as well as some slice-of-life for these 2! ^^

Bitter pill

Bravo! A wonderful conclusion to this story!


The best comic🫶🏻


Genuinely wonderful work. Not only is that art a wonderful thing to look at but the story is well written and genuinely makes one feel for these two.


Yay!!! I am so happy you plan to continue their story. I love these two ❤️❤️❤️


Now for SYLB3! I need more


Round two at home. This was an amazing story, can't wait for the next one.


Best comic to date! Love the story so much! You're seriously awesome dross, my top favorite artist 😁 the happy ending sex is 100/10 perfection ❤️ can't wait to see more of them!




You’re awesome Dross!! Keep doing what makes you happy! We are well fed no matter what project your focus on! My personal favourite is Cody - such a damn cutie!


Good ending!



Gus Johnson

Love it. Also please tell me you're gonna do something with Jamie. I miss him




Started with a boner ended with a warm heart 🥹


Yayy, they're so cute together! I'm excited to see what comes next for this lovely couple, and what other future comics you got cooking. Thank you as always Dross, keep killing it!! :)

Kira the Grey

So freaking cute! I would've never thought when u finished the fist part of SYLB at 29 pages that the sequel would surpass it to reach 88! Wow wow wow!! 🥰


This is your best work to date. Stellar use of diverse angles and framing. There's always something interesting to look at, whether it be a dynamic closeup, a certain focus, interior shot, or POV. The paneling really improved over the year. You started playing with the sizes and creativity of their placements, creating some cool transitions between scenes as well as varying up the scenery and filling space, so Taylor&Jacob weren't constantly framed in front of blank white backgrounds. Moving onto the actual story, I think adding Jacob and making the experience about their exploration and newfound relationship with Taylor was a great choice that made this comic shoot well above the original. Glad you went with your gut and let things build gradually. Jacob's an actual character we get to see a full spectrum of emotion from when interacting with Taylor. Their banter is fun. You're down to show them being goofballs together instead of avatars meant solely for sex. Sex scenes are all around better when they feature characters you not only like but come with a bit of nuance to them. The initial start sorta teasing, "LOL Taylor wants dick," before gradually evolving into something much more wholesome and defined was such a pleasant surprise. Once the reveal of Taylor's identity happened, you really nailed the awkward but oddly sincere tone of those proceedings scenes. It served not only as a testament to their friendship but mutual attraction and effort to be considerate of the other. There's a natural sense for intimacy and romance present here, and it meshes very well with your style. It's lowkey wild to think this started out as just a one-off pic you drew years ago that has now transformed into this ongoing narrative people are legitimately engaged with, myself included. Appreciate the high-quality work as always and excited to see what's next. Thank you for all your hard work. Hope it was as much fun for you to work on as it was for us to read.


I loved the whole thing and everything you do. Really looking forward to seeing Amber again.


This story has been utterly amazing, and I can't wait for chapter three! It's had me hooked from the start. Every time I received an email notifying me that new pages were uploaded, I've always dropped whatever I was doing to start reading it straight away (or gay away, as the case may be)! ^.^ I look forward to seeing what the future holds; for Taylor and Jacob, Amber, and all of your new projects! ❤️

Kurty Boi

Brilliant work as always, Dross! Whatever's next I'm on board.




Wonderful comic as usual! Absolutely loved it all.


Take as long of a break with them as you need! Im just so happy for them🥰


I would also love to see these comics in color (not to say the B&W isnt incredible!) and would buy physical copies!


What an incredible experience, so happy for the very gay ending


and they lived plappily ever after.

Dirt McGirt

Do you guys think they’re gay?



Reba Dixie

Seeya later boi, HELLO BOIFRIEND!!! This was a amazing journey to witness X3

Jaeger Thompson

Amazing work all around Dross! I really love the long form stuff. I can’t wait for the shorter and more varied stories, but you really grew with this long story and I bet you’ll crush whatever is next in that format.


Amazing ending, 10/10, no notes! Looking forward to your next works and the end of Amber's comic!


AHHH 💖 such a good ending, i love them. I live for every new bit. Fanastic ending a+

John Smith

This is a milestone for sure. A good length, good pacing, regular releases, and characters with depth. Looking forward to the next release.


Omfg, that handholding is sweet. I love these too. thanks for making this comic and for what's yet to come!



Drone Star

This stuff is sooooo great!


jesus fucK i;m gAY


I really love this story so far. But I would love to see a story focused more on Ruby the stripper.

Gabriel Steele

This was an amazing story to be able to watch them develop their feelings. Sexy but emotional at the same time. Keep it up! Also, I love your longer form stories. Don't give that up too quickly.

pussy willow

Gamer socks'll get ya...


Honestly I'm not sure what to do with Jamie at the moment. That's the problem when I keep making new OCs, some kinda fall off. A return pic of him would be nice though his design is pretty close to Taylor.


God soft boy drawer (artist)


Yeah it's crazy to think that this series all started from that one picture. After the first comic I saw people wanting the original friend to return but with him being just a faceless (literally) character to work with Taylor I wanted to have character I could start fresh with, and build a proper character around. I thought it was a bit of a gamble to set stuff up for so long before any sex happened, and in hindsight I probably could have got to the point faster but I'm happy everyone stuck with it. This whole thing has been great for learning different ways to create page layouts and paneling, some ideas I've got for upcoming comics are from before SYLB even started, but I always thought I wasn't good enough with comics to attempt them. Thank you for such in depth comment!


Thank you! It's so cool to hear the investment people had in the comic, I always loved reading the comments whenever I posted a new part 💛

Gus Johnson

I'd love that. I just think he's so cute. Plus I'm like 85 percent sure he's the first OC of yours i saw. But I'm definitely looking forward to your future projects... Also likely gonna be glued to SYLB2 for a few days now


Not having color was purely so I could get pages out more regularly, I was thinking of adding more color to the next comic if it won't slow the process down too much.


Its a really good look even if its a time saver! the way you color only certian objects and shading looks really good!


Thank you The! The thing with the shorter comics is I can still have long term stories by making sequels but I get to take a break between each part. But we'll see what happens!


Thank you!! I dont want to give up on longer stories but breaking them into smaller chapters was an idea I had.


Lewd stuff aside, this was a really good story

Shannon St. Claire

Jacob: "...Is that what you wanted?" Taylor: "::DOINK::" Gayest. Ending. EVER.


That's the power of gay sex! Following this comic has been absolutely wonderful and I'm looking forward to what these boys get up to in the future.

Caesar Zealad

Wholesome fugging to end it all


What an absolute journey we’ve been on, looking forward to more

Dan Allgood

You know how to make us happy, Dross. :) I could totally see you throwing us some day-to-day scenes with both of them from time to time. Not just kinky ones... but also kinky ones! It's just so wholesome to see them together in any sitch.^^


This was a good point to wrap it up. I'm excited to see more femme Taylor, but right now I'm excited to see more of Amber (and possibly the other jewels) in the near future!


Happy ending on a very, very good story. I really love it, and look forward to more stuff from you, Dross. Maybe more Amber when he is dated by other boys.


I hope they end up dating


I love them :3


Now this ending should be called "Gay is turned out to be a true love 💕"


That was great

Evelyn Crewe

Such a beautiful and happy ending, a fitting coda to the story. Also, there’s something about the second panel on the last page: if someone looked at you as they led you by the hand the way Taylor did to Jacob, your heart would melt in an instant. Once again I would like to praise you for this series. Over the past year you have built up a compelling story that has had all of us yearning for the next episode, wondering how Taylor would get on with his new-found identity. (In hindsight, it could have been divided into two series: up to and including testing the deliveries, and Jacob liking Tay’s Insta pics onwards; it would have made a longer wait for bonkage, mind you.) I look forward to seeing what Taylor and Jacob get up to now that they appear to be properly together. Take the time you need to make it as special and beautiful as the series you have just concluded. Again, thank you for your work.


The scene where they kiss is just so romantic 🥺


I love your stuff Dross. Usually, when I subscribe to a Patreon, I find that I don’t care for the content that much, but I’m very happy with everything you put out. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication ☺️❤️


Dross, thank you so much for these Comics and art pieces! They always brighten my day when I see one. Keep up the good work and keep working on the stuff that gives you the most joy~

Nyx Mars

Historians will say they were just really good friends (homies kept the socks on so it wouldn't count)


I really want to see the movie ;O)


im starting to think they might be gay


Incredible ending. Is there a download of the complete comic available?


God they are so fucking cute. This was an amazing comic, thank you <3 I hope Roxanne gets to join in later tho)


They're so cute❤️ I hope they have a whirlwind of sex as their relationship blooms. And I hope Taylor can spend more time in public passing as a girl - and that Jacob can call him his girlfriend whenever they meet new people. That would be really sweet❤️


I agree with Jacob, Taylor is "fucking hot", and the scene in no. 86, when the are standing in the door, kissing, makes me sooo warm♥️

Stephen Harger

Agreed. The simplistic passion that is expressed in these scenes are AMAZING