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Hey everyone, I just wanted to make a post letting you all know that August is looking like itll be pretty busy for me with personal stuff. Most weekends of the month I'm going to be away, and that's usually when I have the most time for drawing, so rather than trying to work around everything I thought I'd be better to just have a quieter month. On top of that i will be in the process of moving sometime in the next 3 months but I'm not sure how that'll affect things yet.

I'll pause patreon before the end of August so no one will be charged for the month. I'll still try to post when I can but this is just a heads up it won't be as much, I'm gonna use the time to get in some practice too. Still gonna be working on See Ya Later Boi, and finishing up the Caleb comic. After that I was thinking of opening up requests again before jumping into the next colored comic, or possibly doing some shorter ones.

Thanks for your continued support <3



Good luck!

zekenator _ 77

No worries man, hope you'll have a good time during the month


Hey I don't contribute for pics, but to support you. Charge me if you want, I don't mind.


No problem, have a good month Dross


Hope everything goes smoothly. Keep us updated?


No worries, Dross! Take your time and hopefully everything goes smoothly for you.


I'll probably update everyone about my moving situation once I know more myself. Still in the process of looking.


Thank you, that's nice of you to say. I just feel better myself when I post stuff in return for the support.


gonna say after today's ash pic that you don't need any practice.


Bro let me still give you money lol

Cruza Complex

Just let me pay you man! &lt;3 Dross.


Yeah, no need to pause :-)


You are one of my favorite artists. I'll be here when ever you post.

Sir Is Watching

Whatever course of action you take make sure it is the best one for you. We'll be here in the meantime giving our support.

Mel Thebluefish

You do what you need to, I'll still be here when you come back.


Best of luck with everything!


We'll still be here no matter how busy you become with life! Good luck!


Always better not to overwork yourself. Take the time off, and come back refreshed, y’know


Thanks for letting us know and best of luck to you!


Whatever you do Dross, is always a pleasure for me!


Just joined after seeing your content constantly on my reddit feed, figured I owed you a subscription for all I've enjoyed, keep it up!