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If you'd like to know how to lose, then this is the class for you



Hosher Murray

Finally, the Liberal arts is back


Hell ye! Was just running out of Boyboy to rewatch and I get this notification! Thank you

Totally not Parithi

Now I feel dumb for complaining about no new videos 5 mins ago


Can't we just get a master class that actually tells you how to get paid a wet dream amount of money just for talking after losing


I love how she just says all these nice things that she thinks would have been true if she had won, but in reality they are now all false since she lost. Basically her speech was like "we're dived like hell, america fucking sucks, and it WILL GET WORSE! *cheers*".

daniel schmitt

Hey look, the person who handed the entire Supreme Court to right wing fascists.


Fuck me she really is unbearable, it's like watching your narcissistic aunt try to convince herself and the whole dinner table she isn't a horrible person for being overtly racist, but instead of casual racism it's the destabilization of fucking countries


I love your videos guys but we're starving over here, reactions just don't scratch the itch we got for sexy gay 'rooboys. We need you to drop that dog meat video, this has been teasered for way too long. I'm out of podcasts with you guys on them. Also maybe drop a reaction to trump. Even better go meet the guy. The day I see that I can die in peace


I am a woman, and a feminist, but she even makes ME feel like I'm a sexist. She's so so narcissistic, it's unbearable.

Majima Cookie

a bit too heavy on the praising of trump and the negging on her talking too long for my taste.

lauren (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 19:04:46 lmao she is really boring and has negative good qualities… not even funny like come on give me a chuckle here n there when u justify ur criminal acts n “sob” stories hahhahaha
2024-02-10 19:04:46 lmao she is really boring and has negative good qualities… not even funny like come on give me a chuckle here n there when u justify ur criminal acts n “sob” stories hahhahaha
2024-01-29 01:16:24 lmao she is really boring and has negative good qualities… not even funny like come on give me a chuckle here n there when u justify ur criminal acts n “sob” stories hahhahaha

lmao she is really boring and has negative good qualities… not even funny like come on give me a chuckle here n there when u justify ur criminal acts n “sob” stories hahhahaha


Video idea: “Trying to sell Ribena shirt merch without getting sued.” please what will it take?


Ginsburg's insistence on not retiring was such a disaster. Look at all the damage her vacancy caused. All for ego? why do that? honestly


That's fair... we definitely didn't go into this expecting to praise Trump. It's hard to convey how unbearable this was to watch, since we had to edit it to make it fun. The raw video of her masterclass is an unbelievably harrowing thing, I'd suggest you watch it and see if you come out not negging her. Either way, comparing her to Trump is silly, they're both awful people and it's American's hollowed out democratic institutions that force us to compare the two.


The thing about hot sauce was kinda fucked up

daniel schmitt

"healthcare reform" also known as her giving massive handouts of our tax dollars to private insurance companies she owns stock in while also blocking any attempts for us to get universal healthcare like the rest of the world.


are these all filmed in the same day or are these just the only clothes you own


its been a long day, pass the aussie man yaoi

disk-kun, the mascot for the famicom disk system

i feel like the context results in comparing their style as like media characters in the absence of their actual effect on the world, which is i think how it's possible for her to come off worse than like bush, who by measurement of bodies he's responsible is still probably the worst modern american


you cannot underestimate how much charisma and likability determine who wins the presidency

Majima Cookie

well I can appreciate that at least. and yea obviously theyre both awful, literally comparing maggots to maggots. Just made me cringe ever so slightly every “hey at least the other guy is so and so”, just reminds me of subtle rightwing dogwhistles that I once fell victim to in my earlier internet days. But I get that’s not what you were doing. appreciate the response though, I feel a bit less icked out after hearing your reasoning. Which is good because I enjoy you boys a lot.


It’s still so funny the fact she donated and propped up Trumps campaign as an easy victory and then lost to the joke of a fascist. She really is her own enemy.

Buddy Crotty

Did you guys edit out the dead space between her words or is there literally a cut between every word in the Masterclass?

Shannon UwU

With love, the Ribena shirt neckline is looking pretty rough. Hope this helps: When t-shirt collars are stretched out, they can be shrunken by washing them in hot water then dip just the collars in boiling hot or nearly boiling water for 2-3 minutes (BE VERY CAREFUL!) then lay flat to dry in the sun. The collar will shrink back to nearly its original shape. Never hang t-shirts on hangers, always fold and store flat.


I fucking died laughing at the sky high tagline. Unbelievable!

Kirk Cunningham

Her + the DNC + those who misunderstand how to effectively vote in a two-party system.

daniel schmitt

Her being an awful candidate isn't the fault of the voters. Also Obama had the chance to pick a Supreme Court Justice and Hillary told him not to because she thought she was just going to be crowned president with zero effort and wanted the privledge of filling that seat. So she not only handed the presidency to Trump, she also is directly responsible for handing him the nomination that was Obama's, due to her ego and hubris.


As a fellow aging millennial I find this comment offensive as the time will come for us all, we'll get bags under our eyes, our cheeks start dropping and our Ribena collars gets stretched, it's just part of being human!

Mikolaj Orzechowski

hey you dudes keeping up with jordan shanks' craziness

Lee Mulkins

my jaw dropped when she unironically rolled out the girlboss Thatcher maneuver like the absolute shamelessness lmaooo

William Evan Barnes

I was thinking that felt just a little bit like the beginning of the right wing radicalization pipeline.

William Evan Barnes

Oh boys, I think you might want to reexamine that "are we sexist" thought just a little bit. I think the clearest point of that for me was when she got a bit choked up reading the part of her speech about her mom on the train. You interpreted that as her crying over not being able to tell her mom she's president, but I really just read that as a very normal and appropriate reaction to thinking about a loved one going through a traumatic and abusive experience. I think you were just a bit too willing to read narcissism in her actions when there were better alternative explanations. I also just felt like this fell into the problem where women can't be assertive in a position of authority without being labeled mean or selfish. It's a big challenge faced by women in business and really any part of the world. I'm not a fan of Clinton, she's done some truly terrible things, but she is also a better person and politician than both Trump and Bush, so the comparisons were getting weird for me. She did absolutely say nothing during this lecture though. It's amazing how people can fill time with no real content. I also absolutely want better, actually progressive candidates. But as a reminder to my fellow Americans, the choice we get when it's time to vote is between evil and less evil, so doing anything other than voting for the lesser of those two evils is stupid and morally repugnant. We have a truly stupid system here, but it's what we currently have to work with. Basically, vote, and vote for Biden. And Democrat down the ballot. Nobody else has a real chance of winning, so get that less evil option in there!

Prognostic Hannya

Biden, the man 75% of the country thinks is too old to be president, and has a 70% DISapproval rate among young voters (Dems most reliable base) is the only guy who can win? He's the only Democrat who could LOSE. We are very quickly approaching an election of the only Repulican who could lose to Biden and the only Democrat who could lose to Trump. Not even going to address the absurd scolding of people for refusing to vote for a man who helped commit a genocide.

Skye Keating

People with your viewpoint are why the democrats will never change. Why would they? They have people who think the dems are way too conservative, yet will shame others for even considering to not vote democrat. What possible reason would they have to ever become less conservative if progressives are expected to vote for them either way? When Hillary Clinton lost there were a lot of people who immediately blamed the far left for not coming out to vote for her. If Biden happens to lose in November people are going to claim the same thing. The cries that it isn't the fault of the dems for picking a dog shit candidate, it is instead the fault of the progressives for not voting for someone they vehemently disagree with on almost every issue. The left is moral bound to vote for them so there isn't any reason for the dems to court those voters. That's why the dems are currently actively moving further right. Like the immigration bill Biden just fought for. It is Trump's immigration policy but Dems were fighting for it because the republicans claim they're not doing enough to fight the "border crisis", which is something the republicans made up. Yet the dems want those moderate conservative votes so now they ride for closing the border completely, including to asylum seekers, after quotas are hit. The democrats are actively moving to the right because they know progressives "have to" vote for them.

Jamie Hall

We have other options and some of us prefer to utilize our choices.

Skye the Bi

Ok so while I heavily dislike Hillary she’s still better than Bush or Trump. The fact that our political system is so fucked up that we have to choose a lesser of two evils instead of choosing someone we actually like is awful but it’s not something that’s going to get better without a major change to US politics as a whole. Not voting because you don’t like Hillary or Trump doesn’t help the problem. If you want actual change you should still vote and then go out and make your voice heard. Make some change in the Democratic Party and vote in the primaries as well as the general election.


She is a half decent actor at best. Let's remember there's millions of people in prison across America that have done much less heinous acts than her and her husband. American monarchs with full impunity

snail consumer

she says "beliefs and values, as you might say" like the concept of having values is so far from her mind that she doesn't even know those words mean anything


Me: did you know she was an active young Republican and pro Vietnam war advocate Dad: people change Me: did you support Vietnam? Dad: well, no

Cyrill Oppikofer

She looks a lot more fat and old in the video now, maybe the world has a chance of her perishing soon.

Dying Phoenix

She speaks exactly like John Wither from "That Hideous Strength"


"Your not a feminist your a white supremacist" 2024 criticism of Hillary Clinton.

Lillian Chatt

Does no one else think its weird that we still vote and hold elections for these murderous psychopaths?

Lillian Chatt

who do we want coke or pepsi.

Nick S

Funny video but if you want to get serious about it. The fact that she broke down crying thinking about her mother probably signifies some deep rooted trauma that she's never overcome. So maybe for her, climbing over a stack of corpses to become president just to prove to her mother she could is the root of all her narcissism and toxicity. Most of our interactions with other people in our lives are determined by our relationship with our parents. So actually it could explain a lot if you were willing to do a deeper analysis.


She's now the 4th "successful" American woman I have heard talk about never experiencing hardship as a woman when growing up. As someone who works in STEM education where we are consistently battling for woman and gender non-conforming people to stop hating themselves when doing maths due to hardships, that statement just feels overwhelmingly privileged.

Cat M

the photo of George Bush is kinda daddy tho

Finn Rennie

Her advice is so bad it's honestly insulting. If all I had was the sort of advice she is given during my hardest days I'd be dead or a homeless drug addict. I'm not and am doing alright now but the fact she is offering this like it has any value just feels like a big "fuck you" to anyone who has had to survive anything "real"


when she quoted thatcher as an inspiration my jaw dropped but really i shouldn’t be surprised lol