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We go deep into the world of real estate to answer an important question: Is an abnormally dumb guy responsible for the awful deeds he commits?



Alex Katzmarek

Real estate. More like real estfake

Hosher Murray

Ngl seems like a good job to get into 🤔

Cynthia Loh

Fellow Marrickville Metro enjoyer I see

Kelsey Cotton

The little peanut man did grow on me by the end

Ghost Ramen

I love you boy 1 and boy 2. Keep up the good work🫶


Always a banger

ranga mullet

At 14:30 they would have had to have that conversation, stop, get the camera man to leave, set up a drone so they could shake hands for that shot. They are so fucking lame its amazing.

Levi Herpel

We need the Boys in some B Reel around Sidney. Waiting for a bus, getting a coffee, riding a bike, eating falafel

Levi Herpel

This was hilarious, you guys are amazing, and always make me laugh my ass off

Kristen P (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-24 17:01:44 The worst woman I know is a real estate agent in some of the richest areas around me. It’s just a networking game. I hate seeing her name everywhere because she’s a proud racist and asshole, but I guarantee she’s making hundreds of thousands of dollars a house on commission alone.
2023-12-24 17:01:44 The worst woman I know is a real estate agent in some of the richest areas around me. It’s just a networking game. I hate seeing her name everywhere because she’s a proud racist and asshole, but I guarantee she’s making hundreds of thousands of dollars a house on commission alone.
2023-08-19 04:42:49 The worst woman I know is a real estate agent in some of the richest areas around me. It’s just a networking game. I hate seeing her name everywhere because she’s a proud racist and asshole, but I guarantee she’s making hundreds of thousands of dollars a house on commission alone.

The worst woman I know is a real estate agent in some of the richest areas around me. It’s just a networking game. I hate seeing her name everywhere because she’s a proud racist and asshole, but I guarantee she’s making hundreds of thousands of dollars a house on commission alone.


Can’t believe it’s already been 6 months since the first patreon video was released. You boys are still going strong. Keep up the quality work!


i am absolutely obsessed with the tim heidecker look-alike. obsessed. who is he? how is he such a comedic genius using only the power of his face? i love him excellent video as always, boys 👍 also ostonox is a fucking beast of an editor - the IDAT music stings are so so good


What do you call left Boy’s (aleksa?) haircut? I’d like to get it myself


Holy shit im so glad you guys also saw the Tim Heidecker look alike and that you've likely watched Tim and Eric. (also in the most nicest way, your camera lens might have smudges.)


You should do a Falun Gong episode. There is an Epoch Times HQ in Hurstville and a newspaper stand in the station and those weirdos do Tai Chi in the local park I think


omg. yes! I would love to see content on this as well. I have family members who eat up all the shit the Epoch Times publishes. It drives me insane.


Great video! Please do more content about /with your dog:)


God, that would be annoying. It's just so funny how these nice Chinese grandmas and grandpas doing Falun Gong exercises in the park have a dark... dark side


Once I asked the Shen Yun page on Facebook: does Falun Gong believe in UFOs? They gave a long-ass response explaining that they do believe in UFOs but that it is no stranger than other religions.

Kristen P (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-24 17:01:44 Always a good idea
2023-12-24 17:01:44 Always a good idea
2023-08-19 07:51:34 Always a good idea

Always a good idea


now I want a close up of my ass on a real estate show, not fair

Shannon UwU

Somehow, "I love his height" is one of the most devastating comments someone could say about this dude, and it's only a minute into the video. Incredible stuff


my brain zoned out whenever that bland sigma grindset music kicked in. i only snapped back into consciousness at the end when i recognized the mcdonalds logo. maybe i just need to get into a higher tax bracket before random shots of expensive brands and houses mean something to me.

Ian Bloss

Great video. Nicely done. Love you boys. From a fellow boy. Heart.

Fiz González

Some of those houses seem the perfect set for a home invasion movie

L Nordin

Yeah I thought my screen was dirty whenever that popped up lmao


I hate these guys!.. so hard to watch but you boys make it bearable.


short dudes catching some strays :(

daniel schmitt

I'm a director of my department and I can't even afford to buy a home. For my generation it's practically impossible without being married and having 2 incomes.


"and then, execute it." next shot: him loosing a point in the table tennis game

Lauren Lewis

Is that Tim Heidecker with a spray tan? (2:49)

Lauren Lewis

Please wash y'all's camera lens. I thought there were smudges on my screen whenever it cut to y'all



Hosher Murray

YouTube is for tall nerds, u need to get into a short man’s game like causing inflation and wealth hoarding


It's absurd that a man like that exists. I wonder if he knows about Tim Heidecker?


If you got to 10:24 in this video, you'll get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BO83Ig-E8E


hahaha the smudges were on the sensor. We couldn't see it through the camera until we watched it back on the computer. But we thought it wouldn't be as good is we reshot it, so unfortunately we had to prank everyone on our patreon into thinking their screens were dirty.


Oh god, I hate Falun Gong so much... It's like China's equivalent of the westboro baptist church. I didn't realise there was an HQ here, that's an amazing video idea


I think we're slowly shifting into a pet-influencer channel, and I honestly think it's a better idea than politics


This show blew my mind. I thought there were only like 3 or 4 sigma grindset songs out there... turns out there's an infinite number


That'd be great for the real estate business. The more home invasions there are, the more people will be selling houses


It's such a painful show, we couldn't bring ourselves to watch any more


Very smart, you're definitely banned from being a real estate agent


hahaha yeah not worth it to reshoot the whole video. It was nice to see an early video this month, good stuff


You should do a full video of just random shots of people on the street from the weirdest angles.


The constant music change is horrendous


The money I spend on your patreon is honestly my beat investment ever. I'm not doing good, I'm not laughing a lot lately or feel happy, but I just had some pretty fucking great 31 minutes laughing and giggling. God tier content.


man, australians and americans are exactly the same. it's like you guys just chose the USA preset in character creator and didn't move the stat sliders at all


just subbed- love the praxis comrades, keep it up. is there an eta for the man's best meal documentary? :)


Thank you for making me laugh about a topic that usually makes me want to burn everything to the ground!


the guy squeezed into the suit looks like tim heidecker playing a character?


what an evil little man


Thanks mate! Man's best meal is kicking my ass right now, there are a whole lot of weird legal issues around it. But we've got a documentary about the economy of blood transfusions coming out in two weeks, it's gonna be a good one


this guy's teeth are so ridiculously white I bet they glow in the dark when you turn the lights off

Jake Smith



I think this might be my favorite Boy Boy video. Wife and I were crying laughing.


In house elevators have a really really bad track record for safety, people get killed


Suits/formalwear stored in bathroom is actually low key a poor people hack we use to steam out the wrinkles when you don't own an iron/ironing board, and cant afford dry cleaning... and then continue use when you're not poor bc its cheap and easy. (hang clothes on shower curtain rod, bonus- air freshener spray or dryer sheets for smells, rubbing alcohol for dirt- turn shower on high heat w/nozzle facing away, reduce as much airflow out of the bathroom as possible- towels or duct tape around door seams- and leave it for 10-20 mins. "Fresh" formalwear for your wedding/funeral/prom/court date, no 50$ cleaning bill, no 20 mins spent ironing.)


The whole show is just B-roll, mainstream music, then conversations between lobotomized people.


having an extremely punchable face is the only prerequisite of being a real estate agent


Can you do every episode

Drew Scharfenberg

I fucking hate Simon. He's a massive dick to everyone he meets. I would beat his ass if I met him in real life.

RaisingAgent (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 11:55:32 I feel like the biggest part of this job is just learning phrases that describe actual jobs and throw them out anytime you can. "You gotta strike the iron when it's hot"
2023-12-16 12:36:55 I feel like the biggest part of this job is just learning phrases that describe actual jobs and throwing them out anytime you can. "You gotta strike the iron when it's hot"

I feel like the biggest part of this job is just learning phrases that describe actual jobs and throwing them out anytime you can. "You gotta strike the iron when it's hot"


LMAO, I am so glad I subbed to you both on Patreon... I watched every other video on YouTube, and I figured, why not, but I did not expect it to be the same level of quality as the stuff on YouTube. The ending on this episode killed me! You're both hilarious, but Aleksa, you're a comedy genius.

Nyx, the Deity of the Night

The "selling ice to Inuit/Yupik" thing reminds me of how conservatives use "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", a phrase that was created to exemplify impossibleness

Bryn Shanahan

The "wait a minute" line was hilarious

Tyler Lisonbee

One of the realtors sounds like Nick Kroll doing an intentionally bad Australian accent.


I love the random Animal Crossing music. Thank you Ostonox


watching for the second time and just noticed Alex's pit stains. must be the excitement at getting to watch such a fantastic and entertaining show


fuck that bowling alley theyve got some shitty string machines fucking hate rich people they dont deserve anything im loyal to the model A, last good pinsetter.


all of these montages are so insanely annoying

Al PourAz

"Let the Ayatollah bless it" I died

Markus Freivald

How many goddamn affluent-core pop songs can these realestate people fit into one goddamn video, christ

Radu Zamfir

It's insane that we went from an owner showing their house to a potential buyer and see if they like it, to some rando showing another rando some house that neither of them owns or is interested to buy, and their job is to convince some other people that's the right house/buyer for them. Tomorrow I will employ someone to eat a hamburger for me and tell me I enjoyed it.